New Roles for Art Dealers

New Roles for Art Dealers

One of the realities that end. in get los n he ace o succes in it comerial.
art world is that there is no universal definition of " success." Just because many top-and mid-level galleries feel the pressure to "grow or go" or to behave more like a mega-gallery does not mean that one model provides the only valid option. "Suc-cess, by definition, is meeting your goals. And while your clients (both artists and collectors) will judge you on how high you climb up the ladder, which ladder you choose to climb is up to you. There are many of them in the global art market. Yes, sales are one good metric of success for any commercial art gallery, but "sales of what?" must be asked in this context. If you are selling paintings like hotcakes, but your mission was to promote video art, are you still a "success"? I would argue that in a broader context it is how well a gallery fulfills its mission that becomes the best measure of its success.
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