国风·豳风·七月 之一

国风·豳风·七月 之一


Life of Peasants 1

In seventh moon Fire Star west goes;
In ninth to make dress we are told.
In eleventh moon the wind blows;
In twelfth the weather is cold.
We have no warm garments to wear.
How can we get through the year?
In the first moon we mend our plough with care;
In the second our way afield we steer.
Our wives and children take the food
To southern fields; the overseer says,"Good!"

In seventh moon Fire Star west goes;
In ninth we make dress all day long.
By and by warm spring grows
And golden orioles sing their song.
The lasses take their baskets deep
And go along the small pathways
To gather tender mulberry leaves in heap.
When lengthen vernal days,
They pile in heaps the southernwood.
They are in gloomy mood.
For they will say adieu to maidenhood.
