


An Ideal Ruler

The cuckoo in the mulberries
Breeds seven fledglings with ease.
An ideal ruler should take care
To deal with all men fair and square.
If he treats all men fair and square,
He would be good beyond compare.

The cuckoo in the mulberries
Breeds fledglings in mume trees.
An ideal ruler should be fair and bright,
His girdle hemmed with silk white.
If he's as bright as silken hems,
He'd be adorned with jade and

The cuckoo in the mulberries
Breeds fledglings in the jujube trees.
An ideal ruler should be polite;
Whatever he does should be right.
If he is right as magistrate,
He'd be a model for the state.

The cuckoo in the mulberries
Breeds fledglings in the hazel trees.
Ruler should be a good magistrate
To help the people of the state.
If he helps people to right the wrong,
May he live ten thousand years long!
