进阶英语听力训练15 |附测试题及答案

进阶英语听力训练15 |附测试题及答案


1___ there was a rich man in a village,but he 2___ to help others.Nobody liked him in the village. One day he said to them."I know you don’t like me.3___,I will give everything to you. Then everyone will be happy.”
4___ nobody believed him.The rich man 5___ they didn’t believe him.One day he went for a walk. Under a tree he 6___ a pig and a cow talking.The pig said to the cow,“Everybody likes you 7___. Why?When I die, I will 8___ meat,ham and so on.I will give three or four things to them.But you give only one thing-milk. Why do people like you 9___ but not me ?”
The cow answered,“Look,I give them milk while I’m alive.They see that I am 10___. But you don’'t give them anything 11___.Only after you’re dead 12___ meat,ham and so on. People don’t believe in the future. They 13___.”
14___,the rich man did all his best to help 15___.Everyone began to like him.And he felt quite happy
2.never gave anything
3.When I die
4.Even then
5.couldn’t understand why
6.happened to hear
7.but nobody likes me
8.provide people with
9.all the time
10.generous with what I have
11.while you’re alive
12.will you give them
13.believe in the present
14.From then on
15.the poor
