进阶英语听力训练 8|附测试题及答案

进阶英语听力训练 8|附测试题及答案

"1___,the time train has arrived at the terminal(终点)!” After 2___, I
realized that I had come to 3___.
Suddenly,I heard 4___. I turned around and found 5___. She told me that she would be 6___ during the trip. “ Follow me and I will 7___!” she said.
Lots of criss-crossing air lanes(纵横交错的空中车道) 8___ as soon as I walked out of the train station. The robot explained that the new traffic
system 9___ famous engineers and it had solved the traffic problems completely.
I felt a little hungry then, so we 10___ a
restaurant nearby. 11___ there was no
menu, a waiter began to look through my body 12___. It made me so scared that I jumped out of my seat. The robot told me to calm down and explained
that the machine was able to find out 13___.
14___, we went to an amusement
park. Amazingly, there were no rides at all. Instead , everything 15___ virtual reality(虚拟现实). I 16___ and tried the roller coaster. It
was so real that I could feel my clothes wet with
sweat(汗) 17___.
We finally returned to the train station. Just as I got on the train,18___. I
opened my eyes to see my mom standing over me.
“Time to go to school now!” she said.
1.Ladies and gentlemen
2.the train had stopped
3.the year 2035
4.someone calling my name
5.a robot waving to me
6.my tour guide
7.show you around the city
8.caught my eyes
9.was designed by
10.made our way to
11.Just as I realized that
12.with a special instrument
13.which dish suits
my body most
14.At the end of the tour
15.was run through
16.put on a VR headset
17.by nervousness
18.I heard a familiar(熟悉的)voice
  • 带着露珠的向日葵
