进阶英语听力训练 12|附测试题及答案

进阶英语听力训练 12|附测试题及答案


America is 1___.Fifty years ago,only 2___ people in the United States were 65 or older. Today,10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65. 3___will affect American society 4___ education, medicine, and business.5___, the graying of America has made us a very different society 6___ in which people 7___what kind of behavior is suitable 8___. A person’s age no longer tells you anything about his/her position, marriage or health.9___one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family. 10___ that kept us on time and told us when to go to school, get a job, or stop working 11___ it used to be.12___ a 25-year-old university president or a 35-year-old grandmother,or an 80-year-old man who has become a father 13___. Public ideas are changing. Many people say, “I am much younger than my mother or my father was at my age.” No one says“14___”any more. We’ve stopped looking with surprise at older people who 15___.
1.growing older
2.4 out of every 100
3.The aging of the population
4.in many ways
7.have a quite different idea of
8.at various ages
9.There’s no longer a particular year when
10.The social clock
11.isn’t as strong as
12.It doesn’t surprise us to hear of
13.for the first time
14.Act your age
15.act in youthful ways
  • 带着露珠的向日葵


  • doublekilled
