Cave Boy and the Egg 山洞里的小男孩和蛋(上) | 原版英语童话故事

Cave Boy and the Egg 山洞里的小男孩和蛋(上) | 原版英语童话故事


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Well hello everyone, I hope you are all well and have had a good week.


Now, before we start our story today, some of you may have heard the Britain at the moment, the United Kingdom is in mourning. And that sounds like the word “morning” as in “good morning”, doesn't it? But it's spelled differently although they sound the same.  


And we are in the mourning because the Queen of England died, and she died actually a week ago, and her title was Queen Elizabeth II. And the reason that she was the second is that, for those of you that know a little bit of history, about five hundred years ago, there was a queen called Queen Elizabeth I.


So when Queen ElizabethII became the Queenin 1952, she took the title Queen Elizabeth II. And she died this last week, which is very sad. But she was 96 years old, so she was nearly 100 which is a very very long time ago. And she had been the Queen of England for 70 years, which is a very very long time indeed.


She was The Queen, and that meant that her mummy and daddy didn't have any boys. So they take the eldest daughter who was Princess Elizabeth, and she became Queen Elizabeth II. She was married to the Duke of Edinburgh, he sadly died last year he was very old as well. And I think she missed him greatly.


And she...often what happens when people are very old, they suddenly get quite poorly, and they don't really recover like we do. When we are poorly, we get better quite quickly. But when you're very very old, sometimes you don't get better.


So she died on the Thursday and we have a service on Monday, a very important service, and hundreds of people from all over the world will come to this service. So Britain is feeling rather sad at the moment, very sad, and it's very quiet here as well.


A lot of the shops have closed, lot of people aren't going to work, a lot of people at the moment are seeing where she is which she has died and she is in a coffin, and they are paying their respects in London at the moment. So that then where the funeral will take place on Monday.


And when the monarch, who is the ruler of a country - not all countries have a monarch, sometimes they have a president, like in America and China and Russia, but some countries have a king or a queen, and Britain is a monarchy, so it's a little bit different to some other countries.


But what happens is that when she dies, her eldest son takes on the throne, he becomes the next king. So Britain has had a Queen for 70 years, her father King George was obviously a king, and now Queen Elizabeth's eldest son, and he was called Prince Charles, and now he has been crowned - not quite crown but he is straight away - he becomes the next king of England.


So we now have King Charles, the King. But when we look back in history, we'd already had a King Charles I, and a King Charles II, so he will be known as King Charles III.


So that's a little bit about what is happening in Britain at the moment. So it's quite a sad time. Yes, I think it probably is people are feeling a little bit upset but you can't be really really upset, because if you live your life and you get to the age of nearly a! That's an amazing life, isn't it? That's a very very long time. Wow!


Now, talking of time, we've got a silly story today. It's a silly story because the time of it isn't right. I wonder if you can work it out. Let me show you the picture. It's called Cave Boy and the Egg. Well that's a rather big egg, isn't it? I don't think there's a baby chicken inside. I think it's probably gonna be a dinosaur. And I wonder if you can work out what's a bit silly about this.


Well, people, humans, like you and me, weren't alive at the time of the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs were millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of years old, and humans they aren't as old.


So, dinosaurs and human beings didn't live on our planet at the same time. But often, we get stories and they put them together, which is a little bit silly but it's okay, as long as we know that.


So dinosaurs and human beings. The dinosaurs were two hundred and fifty million years ago, and humans, I think have only been on the planet for a couple of million years. So they wouldn't have ever known each other, they wouldn't have been together. But it doesn't matter.


So a Cave Boy and the Egg. A cave boy, and look what they're wearing. I don't think people really wore those sort of clothes, but we often get pictures of them and it doesn't matter because it makes it a little bit fun.


So Cave Boy and the Egg.


I like eating eggs, one of my favorite foods. Do you think they're going to eat this egg? It looks rather enormous, doesn't it? We don't get eggs that size. I think the largest egg we ever seeis a bird called an ostrich, and they are huge.


They like the size of a soccer ball or football, where most eggs are actually quite small, aren't they? They're normally quite tiny, and they're from chickens and there's...I think there's more chickens in the world than there are people. There are so many of them. I used to keep chickens, they're great fun. But I don't have any anymore.


Let's have a look at this story together. Cave Boy and the Egg. Oh look, there is a little bird. Can you just see it there?



「“I'm hungry,” said Cave Boy. “My tummy’s rumbling.”」


“Yes, I can hear it,” said Dad.


“I'm hungry, too,” said Gran. “What's for tea?”


“Fish,” said Mum. “But it doesn't look very nice.”


「Everyone looked at the fish.」


「“Yuck!” they said.」


「“It's a bit smelly, too.”」


So have a look at the picture, are they living in a house? No. They're living in a cave.


And sometimes wehave learned in history that when the first human beings were on our planet in a continent called Africa, many lived incaves because they didn't know about building houses. So it seems a bit silly but it's not really, it's quite sensible, isn't it?


And have a look, his tummy's rumbling. Cave Boy. Can you see Cave Boy is his name? It's a bit of a strange name to have, but we know it's his name, because we have a capital letter, even in the middle of a sentence. A capital “C” for “Cave”, and a capital “B” for “Boy”.


He says his tummy’s rumbling. I wonder whether your tummy ever rumbles, it makes that noise when we're really hungry. And look, we've got that word that we've had at the once, a few times before,“too”, but it's not “to” like “I'm going to the shops”, it means as well”.

他说他的肚子在咕咕叫。我想知道你的肚子是否曾经咕咕叫过呢?当我们感到很饿的时候,它就会发出这种声音。再看哪,这里有一个我们已经学过的单词,我们曾经学过几次"too",它不是“I'm going to the shops (我要去商店)”中的“to”,而是“as well (也)”的意思。

“I'm hungry too.” as well, said Gran. “What's for tea?”


So tea is...sometimes we call it tea, sometimes we call it dinner, sometimes we call it supper. It's normally a meal in the evening. So we have breakfast, lunch and tea; or breakfast, lunch and dinner; breakfast, lunch or supper. It depends what you want to call it, but it's all the same meal.

所以tea……有时我们会把“dinner(晚餐)”叫做“tea”,有时我们也叫它“supper”。它通常是晚上的一餐。所以早餐、午餐和晚餐,我们可以说“breakfast, lunch and tea”;或者可以说“breakfast, lunch and dinner”;也可以说“breakfast, lunch or supper”。这取决于你想怎么称呼它,但它们指的都是晚餐

And they've got fish. And I really like fish. But sometimes, fish can be really smelly when you cook it. It can stink out your house a little bit. And I think this one might be a bit stinky.


「“Well this is all we have got,” said Mum. “If you want something else, you will have to get it yourself.”」


「“Why not see if you can find some eggs.” she said.」


「Dad got his spear.


“Come on,” he said. “Let's go.”


「Cave Boy was happy. He loved going hunting with Dad.」


So a very long time ago, people used to have to go hunting for their food. Later on, they decided it's better to grow food, so they didn't have to go hunting, and you keep animals which you can use for food.


But the first human beings were hunter gatherers, they go and find fruits, nuts out in the trees, and they would hunt for their food.


I'm not sure whether I'd want to live in the cave.


And look, if you look very carefully, it looks like Dad's foot's about to get burnt, but actually I think the foot is behind the fire. It would be rather smelly, wouldn't it? Having lighting a fire in the middle of a cave. I don't think there's a chimney, so the smoke would fill up until it went out of the cave.



