Jack's Junk 杰克的变废为宝(上) | 原版英语童话故事

Jack's Junk 杰克的变废为宝(上) | 原版英语童话故事


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Well, hello everyone. I hope you are all well. I say that every week, don't I? We’re all well. 


Often...I've talking to somebody yesterday, we were talking about how we speak. And often when we ask somebody how they are, they say, "I'm good." And that is a phrase, that's often used in America. But in Britain, we don't use that phrase or we try not to because the correct English is "I'm well".

通常……我昨天和别人聊天,我们讨论了我们的说话方式。当我们询问别人怎么样时,他们通常会说I'm good我很好)”。这是一个在美国常常被使用的短语。但在英国,我们不会使用这个短语,或者尽量不使用,因为正确的英语说法I'm well

Because somebody's asking you how you are, if you're ill, sick, or you're well, healthy. And although we hear the phrase "good" all the time, "good" in some ways sort of means whether you're a good person or not. That's not really what people are asking you. So it's one of those ones which is really worth remembering.


But you're hear "good" all the time. Adults will say, "Oh, I'm good, thank you." Well, really you should say, "I'm well, thank you."

但你总能听到“good(好)”这个词的回答。大人们会说:“Oh, I'm good, thank you噢,我很好,谢谢”但实际上,你应该回答的是“I'm well, thank you”。

We can use good, "I had a good weekend." We wouldn't say "I had a well weekend." That wouldn't make sense, would it?

我们当然会到“good”这个单词例如I had a good weekend(我度过了愉快的一周)”我们不会I had a well weekend”。这说不通,不是吗?

But when someone asks you how you are, normally, this is a greeting. "Hello, how are you?" "I'm well, thank you." or "I'm very well, thank you."

但当有人问你过得怎么样时,通常情况下,这是一种问候。Hello, how are you你好,你好吗?)”,“I'm well, thank you我很好,谢谢你)”回答I'm very well, thank you非常好,谢谢你)”

And it's a really strange one because if you're not feeling very well, we normally just still say "I'm very well" because...people are just being polite. They're not really really...they don't really want to know. It's just being polite. It's called pleasantries.


In the same way, in France, we often say "Ça va"meaning "How are you". And sometimes people just say "Ça va" or, back sometimes they say, "bien", good, or "très bien", very good. And then we just say "Ça va" back.

同样地,在法国,我们经常会说“Ça va”,意思是“你好吗”。有时候人们只是说“Ça va”作为答复,有时他们说“bien(好)”,或者“très bien(很好)”。然后我们再说“Ça va”回应对方

So we had that in lots of different languages that they're sort of polite, greetings. I'm actually not feeling very well today, only because I had an injection in my arm yesterday, and it's to stop something called the flu, which sometimes people get. And we have a flu jab which stops us from getting the flu. But my arm is a bit stiff today, but it's fine. But I'm feeling also a little bit tired.


I wonder whether you're feeling tired. Isn't strange? Some days we wake up and we feel very tired. Some days we wake up and we feel...really wide awake. And I slept really well last night but I just feel a bit tired.


And it's probably because I had this injection. My body is sort of getting used to the medicine that they put inside me. And sometimes it makes you feel a little bit tired, and a little bit sleepy and I've got a little bit of a headache. But that's normal so...But I'm fine, I'm not ill.


Being ill isn't much fun. I remember as a child being ill, and sometimes you can get really boring because there's nothing to do, which brings me quite nicely onto the story we’re gonna look at today.


Because when we're bored, we often don't know what to do. And of course, we live in a world today where we have things like...oh, here, my iPad and my phone.


It's very easy to when we're bored to go on our phone. I'm going to play a game. I'm going to watch a movie. I'm going to go on Wechat, or Instagram, or Twitter, or TikTok.


But when I was a little boy, we didn't have mobile phones. We didn't have iPads. We didn't have computers. And it's a bit of a shame because I'm going to tell you a secret: I would have loved to have had an iPad when I was a little boy. But they didn't exist. They hadn't yet been invented.


So, when you were bored, ill at home, you could - well, have a guess - read a book. And I loved reading the books when I was younger, still due to day. I loved reading Roald Dahl's stories because he was an author that wrote when I was quite young.


But sometimes we made things. We played with different things, like Lego. I love Lego, I hope you love Lego, it's great. And I had other things like cars and...action men which were like little soldiers. And we played using our imagination. And children still do today.


Lots of teachers say, "No, children today they don't play things well." They do. Our imagination is really important. And I've always thought that our imagination is best when we are a bit bored because it gives us something to do.


And in this story called Jack's Junk, we've got a character who likes making things out of other things, and we call it junk. Junk sort of means rubbish, normally, things that we throw away. But often, you can make things out of old boxes, loo rolls and you can use your imagination.


I also like that it's called Jack's Junk. It begins with a /dʒ/ sound. And if you can think of any other words that start with "J". We could have a "jug", or a "juke" or lots of different things. Not that many though. It's quite an unusual letter. And it doesn't get used that often.

也很喜欢这个故事的名字,Jack's Junk杰克的变废为宝)”。它的两个单词都以/dʒ/音开头。你能想到任何其他J开头的单词吗?我们有jug还有“juke”,还有很多不同的单词不是特别多。这是一个相当不寻常的字母。它不经常被使用。

But can you see, both words here start with the /dʒ/ sound, J. We call that alliteration, like the "Big Brown Bear". It's a really good in our writing to use a little bit of alliteration. When the words start with the same letter, and have the same sound, Jack’s Junk.

但是看看这里书名的两个单词都以字母“J”开头,并且是/dʒ/的读音。我们把这叫做头韵法,就像“Big Brown Bear大棕熊)”。在我们的写作中使用头韵是很好的选择,即单词以相同的字母开头,并且都有着相同的发音就像“Jacks' Junk”

But I like the word "junk". One of those good words, it's like "whiz" and "pop" and "boom". Junk. I like the sound that it makes. I love words. I love the sound of words. Some words are very difficult, but some words just sound really good to say. Fizz, that's another one of my favorites.


So we got Jack's Junk. We better find out what happens in our story called Jack's Junk.


And Jack, funny enough, is a boys name, but it can be a girl's name as well. People that are called Jacqueline, sometimes shortened to Jack. But it's normally a boy's name.



「Jack liked making things with junk. He asked Mum and Dad to keep things for him.


Whenever Mum had something in a box, she gave it to Jack. Whenever Dad had something left over, he gave it to Jack.


Mum said it was just junk, but Jack had lots of fun with it.」


So have a look at the picture, what can we see? And I think Dad has given him some nails, or tacks, we sometimes call them. Mama's got an old cereal box that has breakfast cereal in.


Look at all the things that Jack has. He's got some old newspaper, some paint, some scissors, some glue, some sticky tape. And old box, a couple of old lids." a couple" means "two". And then he's got some tools like his hammer. Can you see that as well, and a spanner?


I like tools, I've got one here. I don't know why I've got one here but this is for cutting wire. I love tools but Mrs Moore is really cross because I leave them all over the house. And never put them away where they should be in my tool box.


And there's a couple of old plastic bottles there which he's gonna use for something else. I wonder what it's going to be.


「Jack wanted to make a tree house.


「He got a big box and some newspaper. He cut and colored and stuck things together.


He took it into the garden and put it in the tree.」


So this is a little tree house. Sometimes people have a big tree house which you can actually climb in yourself. But this is a little one. And I think he's putting his toys in there. Can you see the different toys? I think some of them are made from Lego. And then there's some superhero ones might even be Batman who is a superhero in a comic, in a book but also in a movie.


And can you see he is sticking the newspaper? Now newspaper, most people say /nuːz/ but it's not the right pronunciation. We don't say /nuːz/. It's /njuːz/. News, it's a funny word. Most people say /ˈnuːzpeɪpər/, but it's actually /njuːz/. It's a slightly different sound.


And look, he painted it and popped it in the tree. Can you see the little baby robin? I wonder if you can see something another creature. Yeah, there's a little bee. Can you see it down the bottom? Buzzing around with by the flowers. That looks like a good little tree house. What a lovely thing to make!




Oh dear.


「...the wind blew and the house fell out of the tree.


「"Never mind," said Jack. "I can mend it."


「And he did. Then Jack found some string and tied the box to the tree.


「"I am good at mending," Jack said to his mum.」


I wonder whether you're good at mending things that have broken. Some people are very good, some people are okay, some people find it very difficult. I'm quite good at mending things and I like doing it.


If something's broken or not working, I often try to fix it. Sometimes I'm successful that means I've done it. Other times I can't, and I have to buy a new something whatever it is that's broken. But I love mending things and I quite like taking things to pieces, and seeing what's wrong with them, and trying to fix them.


And I'm 50 years old. Most people think, "Oh, only children like mending things!" but I always enjoyed it.


And it's fixed, mended the tree house because it blew out of the tree. It's horrible when things break that we really like. It makes us feel a little bit sad. But if we can mend it, then we feel really good.



