国风·邶风 日 月

国风·邶风 日 月


Sun and Moon

Sun and moon bright,
Shed light on earth!
This man in sight
Without true worth
Has set his mind
To be unkind.
Sun and moon bright,
Cast shade with glee!
This man in sight
Would frown at me.
He's set his mind
To leave me behind.

Sun and moon bright
Rise from the east.
This man in sight
Is worse than beast.
His mind is set
All to forget.

Sun and moon bright
From east appear.
Can I requite
My parents dear?
My mind not set,
Can I forget?
The Violent Wind
The wind blows violently:
He looks and smiles at me.
With me he seems to flirt;.
My heart feels deeply hurt.
The wind blows dustily;
He's kind to come to me.
Should he nor come nor go.
How would my yearning grow!
The wind blows all the day;
The clouds won't fly away.
Awake, I'm ill at ease.
Would he miss me and sneeze!
Sun and moon bright
From east appear.
Can I requite
My parents dear?
My mind not set,
Can I forget?
