暮光之城第一章 05

暮光之城第一章 05


 Myskin could be pretty — it was very clear, almost translucent-looking — but it all depended oncolor. I had no color here.

Facing my pallid reflection in the mirror, I was forced to admit that I was lying to myself.It wasn't just physically that I'd never fit in. And if I couldn't find a niche in a schoolwith three thousand people, what were my chances here?

I didn't relate well to people my age. Maybe the truth wasthat I didn't relate well to people, period. Even my mother, who I was closer to than anyoneelse on the planet, was never in harmony with me, never on exactly the same page. Sometimes Iwondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world wasseeing through theirs. Maybe therewas a glitch in my brain.

But the cause didn't matter. All that mattered was the effect.And tomorrow would be justthe beginning.

I didn't sleep well that night, even afterI was done crying.The constant whooshingof the rain and wind across the roof wouldn't fade into the background. I pulled the faded old quilt overmy head, and later added the pillow, too. But I couldn't fall asleepuntil after midnight, when the rain finally settled into a






Chapter One:FIRST SIGHTScene Four: Morning in Forx

Thick fog was all I could see out my window inthe morning, and I could feelthe claustrophobia creeping up on me. You could

never see the sky here; it was like a cage.

Breakfast with Charlie was a quiet event. He wished me good luck at school.I thanked him, knowing his hopewas wasted. Goodluck tended to avoid me. Charlie left first, off to the police station that was hiswife and family. After he left, I sat at the old square oak table in one of the three unmatching chairs and examined his small kitchen,with its dark paneledwalls, bright yellow cabinets, and white linoleum floor. Nothing was changed. My mother hadpainted the cabinetseighteen years ago in anattempt to bringsome sunshine into the house. Over the small fireplace in the adjoining handkerchief-sized familyroom was a row of pictures.First a wedding picture of Charlie and my mom in Las Vegas, then one of the three of us inthe hospital after I was born, taken by a helpful nurse, followed by the procession of my school picturesup to last year's. Those were embarrassing to lookat — I would haveto see what I could do to get Charlie to put them somewhere else, at least while I was living here.

It was impossible, being in this house, not to realize thatCharlie had never gottenover my mom. Itmade me uncomfortable.

I didn't want to be too early to school,but I couldn'tstay in the houseanymore. I donned my jacket — which had the feel of a biohazard suit — and headed out into the rain.

It was just drizzling still, not enough to soak





  在这栋房子里,谁都看的出: 查理从来都没有真正把我妈妈忘掉过。这令我很不自在。



me through immediately as I reached for the house keythat was always hiddenunder the eaves by the door, and locked up. The sloshing

of my new waterproof boots was unnerving.


  • 微笑天使鱼


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