暮光之城第一章 07

暮光之城第一章 07


 I smiledback asconvincingly as I could.

When I went back out to my truck, other students were starting to arrive.I drove around theschool, following the lineof traffic. I wasglad to see that most of the cars were older like mine, nothing flashy. At home I'd lived in one of thefew lower-income neighborhoodsthatwere included inthe Paradise ValleyDistrict.It was a common thing tosee a newMercedes or Porsche in the student lot. The nicest car here was a shinyVolvo, and it stood out,Still, I cut the engineas soon as I was in a spot, so that the thunderous volume wouldn't draw attention to me.

I looked at the map in the truck, trying to memorize it now; hopefully I wouldn't haveto walk around with it stuckin front of my nose all day. I stuffed everything in my bag, slung the strap over my shoulder,and sucked in a hugebreath. I can do this, I lied tomyself




Chapter One: FIRST SIGHTScene Six: Boringmorning classes

Once I got around the cafeteria, building three was easy to spot. A large black"3" was painted on a white square on the east corner. I felt my breathing gradually creepingtoward hyperventilation as I approached the door. I tried holding my breath as I followed two unisex raincoats throughthe door.

The classroom was small. The people infront of me stopped just inside the door to hang up their coats on a long row of hooks. I copied them. They weretwo girls, one a porcelain-coloredblonde, the other also pale, with light brown hair. At least my skin wouldn't be a standouthere.

I tookthe slipup to the teacher, atall, balding manwhose desk had a nameplate identifying him as Mr.Mason. He gawked atme when he saw my name —not an encouraging response— and ofcourseI flushed tomato red. But at least he sent me to an empty desk at the back without introducing me to the class.It was harder for my new classmates to stare at me in

the back, but somehow, they managed. I kept my eyes down on the reading list the teacher hadgiven me. It was fairlybasic: Bronte, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Faulkner. I'd already readeverything. That wascomforting… and

boring. I wondered if my mom would send memy folder of old essays,or if she would think thatwas cheating. I wentthrough different argumentswith herin my head while the teacher droned on.

When the bell rang, a nasal buzzing sound, a gangly boy with skin problems and hair black

as an oil slick leaned across the aisle to talk to me.







"You're Isabella Swan, aren'tyou?" He looked like the overly helpful,chess club type.

"Bella," I corrected. Everyone within a three-seat radiusturned to look at me.

"Where's your next class?" he asked.

Ihad to check in my bag. 





