22-7-5【地道美语242】别让网络成为谣言之地水军天下 Cleaning up the internet

22-7-5【地道美语242】别让网络成为谣言之地水军天下 Cleaning up the internet


Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群

cleaning up theinternet

dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, do you recall that_________ a couple months ago?

Mark: ____________.  Tell me a little more to _________.

Jingjing:  Areport went out that there would be____________—like in Shanghai.  So,people________ to supermarkets and__________ all the ___ and _______.

Mark:  Ohyeah.  Shelves were__________.  I remember seeing just a few corn____ and ___________.

Jingjing:  Doyou know how that rumor_________?

Mark:  Ihaven't seen__________ about it.  Someone told me a ______ put outsomething that looked like ____________, and got people ______.

Jingjing: Right; and that led to_____________________.

Mark:  Stock__________ the next day.  I went out in the morning and saw that things_________ pretty quickly.  The ____ seemed to think it was ____.

Jingjing: Hopefully people ___________ all the________ they bought.

Mark:  Wastedfood is__________.  Anyway, that wasn't such_________.  Why do you______ now?

Jingjing: Well, I've just been reading about government plans to_______________.

Mark:  That's ______________. ________ is all over the place.  

Jingjing: Right.  We've got plenty of ________________ to rely on.  Butthat doesn't stop news from __________social media and______________.

Mark:  Is itreally that common, though?  People don't_____________—what they see onother people's ______ or _______________.

Jingjing: Are you kidding?  The ___________ is just a small example. ________________ with banks?

Mark:  Youmean like________?  1929 called.  They want their_______ back.

Jingjing:  I knowlots of ______ have been_______.  You Americans have the ________. We have similar _____, plus a whole lot of __________.

Mark:  Yeah,but in the short term, a nasty _________, and for a few people to_________.

Jingjing: _________ I'm talking about.

Mark:  So,it's good to see the government __________________.

Jingjing: 600 cases, ________, with more than 4000______.

Mark:  Jeez,that's a larger number of______________.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark,___________; what do you think about ________?

Mark:  Idon't know much about it.  You'd have to___________.

Jingjing: What about_________, then?

Mark: The _____internet?  Is there __________too?

Jingjing: I'm sure there are ___________.  Looking into all thosecases, officials found that people work _____________________for their _____online.

Mark:  Areyou talking about_________?

Jingjing:  Iam, and all kinds of _____________________.

Mark:  Thatstuff's _____.  Even _________ have too much of it.  And they don't______ until they face competition and ________________.

Jingjing: Sure, people are tired of______________ on their computers.

Mark:  Andhaving personal _____ ______________.

Jingjing: Right.  So, anyway, the point is that there are thousands of people_______________, not just_________.

Mark:  Idon't think they__________ for what they do on ________.  It might seem_____ to someone who stopped and thought about it—but stuff like _________ isa way for smaller companies to __________.

Jingjing: Sure, but whenever________ or ______ information___________, officialsplan to _____________.

Mark:  Good,good, good.

Jingjing: Say, you'll never guess what these _______________ are called.

Mark:  So,you'll _______.

Jingjing: _________________.

Mark: That's______.

Jingjing:  Ithink so too.

new words andphrases

jog<someone's> memory:


a tough nut tocrack:

a bank run:  


lose <one's>shirt:

the dark internet:

shades of gray:



get a leg up:

throw the book at<someone>:

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