22-6-15【地道美语240】假如周三变成小周末,你愿意吗?Weekend Wednesday

22-6-15【地道美语240】假如周三变成小周末,你愿意吗?Weekend Wednesday





B站官方:【英语PK台】 直播视频精华剪辑


Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群


dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, I know we've talked a lot about _____________________.  Whatdo you think about a _______?

Mark:  ____________.  You'llhave to tell me _________.

Jingjing: That's when someone has Wednesday___________, instead of__________.

Mark:  So, theirweekend is just_______?

Jingjing: _____, there's a_________.

Mark:  What'sthe _______?  Someone still has the same ____ of days ______and the same number of _______.

Jingjing: You've worked______, haven't you?  And didn't you notice _______ yougot ____ on Fridays?

Mark:  ____________________.

Jingjing: Why not?

Mark:  I hadan office job with____________.  Every day felt_______.

Jingjing: Wasn't ______________?

Mark:  OnFriday, _________ would call, which gave me a chance to ________________.

Jingjing: What about your Saturday?  Did it feel like_________?

Mark:  Itdid.  I didn't feel______, and usually_________.

Jingjing: Don't you think people with____________ need theirSaturdays_____________.

Mark:  Oh, soyou mean their two ______________________?

Jingjing: That's exactly what I mean.  If someone had a day off beforethey___________,______.

Mark:  Whatif people at one office ____, ___________________________, or _________?

Jingjing:  Idon't think _______________on Wednesday or Saturday.

Mark:  Howcome?

Jingjing: People couldn't_______________, and would just ______________ to a daywhen everyone's in.

Mark:  Itmight be_______.  An ____ might have to move some work to____________.  Then again, it'd be a day with fewer _____ and meetings, aday for ________________.

Jingjing: So, if you ___________, you'd ________?

Mark:  Iwould, and I'd let people ____.  People with families might not __________when their ____ and kids have ___.  It makes sense for young peopleand ______________.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, ______________________ to weekend Wednesday?

Mark:  Yeah,I used to work every day __________________ at one job.  I don't know__________ it earlier.

Jingjing: Was it ___________ every week?

Mark:  I gotwork calls__________, because ____________________ as me.

Jingjing:  Ibet it was ____ for you to___________, see the doctor or go to ___________.

Mark:  Good point! All that stuff was ________, because places __________.

Jingjing: What about when you were a student?  Did you _____________ over theweek or ___________?

Mark: _______ was__________ every semester.  I____________,and still do as a teacher.

Jingjing: Yeah, if you can take a course________, you____________.

Mark:  I'dusually _________ four days of classes per week.  But itusually turned out to be_____________.

Jingjing: Did you prefer to __________________ every week?

Mark:  Idon't think ____________, because of________.  Two and a half days________—that gave me the ______everything.

Jingjing: That makes me think that people who ______________ arebetter___________________________.

Mark:  It's alot easier to________________.

Jingjing: Hmm, I guess flex time is still __________for most folks ____________.

Mark:  Letpeople set some of their ____and_________________, rather than havingeveryone ___________________.

 new wordsand phrases

Beats me.  



I can't speak for<someone>.

vice versa  

a net loss  

empty nester

smooth sailing 

a breeze  

a crap shoot

shoot for<something>  

punch the clock 

  • 栗子Alee


  • 马尔切罗w


  • Meng_Lonely


  • 马尔切罗w

    我不能代表大多数人 speak for catch up on other stuff 赶着去做其他事

    马尔切罗w 回复 @马尔切罗w: 27:00 之后的下次听

  • 马尔切罗w
