0529, 蓝色雷蒙Blue Ramone

0529, 蓝色雷蒙Blue Ramone



Blue Ramon 

"dum-da-dee-dum," Ramone sang to himself in his body shop. 'Thy there, buddy! Are you painting yourself again?" It was Lightning, and he had Mater with him. "I'm painting myself blue for Flo's birthday. It's her favorite color," Ramone replied "And I plan on staying this color for an entire week!" "Gee whiz!" said Mater. "I've never even seen you stay one color for a whole day! That night, the town gathered for a cruise down Main Street for Flo's birthday Suddenly, the door of Ramone's body shop popped open, and a very blue Ramone " emerged, driving low and slow. Oh, Ramoner Flo exclaimed. "You painted yourself •blue! Now are you going to take me on a birthday cruise or what?" Ramone and Flo slowly cruised down Main Street together as the rest of the ed cars watch. The next day, Ramone got up early and started cleaning his shop. But after a few hours, he was finished. Ramone was tempted to Paint himself a new color. Then he remembered his promise, so he went over to Flo's instead. "Hey, baby, you want a quart of oil?" Flo asked. "Yeah, thanks," Ramone said. Then he added, "Do you want me to give you a new paint job?" "Oh, honey, thanks, but no," Flo said "I have all this work to do." Ramone stayed blue the next day and the next. He kept asking all the cars in town if they wanted paint jobs, but no one did. "Ramone! What's wrong with you, baby?" Flo said. "Listen to me. If you want to paint yourself a new color, j go right ahead and do it." "But I made a promise," Ramone said sadly. "No. A happy, freshly painted Ramone made that promise," Flo said with a sigh. "I miss that Ramone• Jus be yourself." "Yeah," said Mater. "Just be yours e like ya that way." Ramone turned around. It seemed a if the whole town was there to encoli him. So, Ramone happily went to Painting himself every color he could 

