0527,皇家过夜 A Royal Sleepover

0527,皇家过夜 A Royal Sleepover


MAY 27

A Royal Sleepover

"ssssstt Elsa?" Anna gently nudged her sister. "Wake up. I can t sleep!" Anna flopped down on Elsa's bed. "Wanna have a sleepover?" Elsa grinned. That sounded like fun! Elsa headed to the kitchen to get snacks. When she got back to her room, she found Anna digging through the closet. "Aha!" Anna cried. "I knew it was here!" Anna held up an old book. Her parents had read it to the sisters every night. Elsa looked around. It had been a long time since she'd had a sleepover. "S000 .. what should we do first?" she asked. Anna was ready. "How about we build a fort, like when we were kids?" Anna stacked pillows and blankets around the room, making lookouts and hidden caves. Meanwhile, Elsa created icy tunnels and snowy turrets. Suddenly there was It was 0 a knock at the door. 10 The sisters invited the little snowman to join them. Soon the friends were happily playing. Olaf was a natural at Pick-Up Sticks. And Anna was great at Work of Art. „How about a scary story?" Elsa suggested. Anna went flst. Using her ir spookiest, most dramatic voice, she told t story of the Hairy Hooligan. Suddenly, a sad whine echoed through the room. "000000000HHHHH!" Th cry sounded like it was coming from outside the castle. Elsa, Anna, and Olaf ran to the window There was a shadowy figure walking toward them! The trio raced outside. It wasn't a monster after all. It was Sven, "Sven?" Elsa said. "What's wrong?" "You couldn't sleep, could you?" Arm asked. "You should come to our sleepover" Olaf said. Soon the group was happily settled in Elsa's room. "How about another story? Elsa suggested. She held up the book had found. As Anna, Olaf, and Sven got comfort Elsa began reading. 'Once upon a time 4 A short time later, Elsa heard the sounds of heavy breathing around her. Everyone had fallen asleep! Smiling, Elsa climbed into bed. Then) with one last look at Anna and her trten Elsa, too, drifted off to sleep. 

