0525, 笑吧,眼镜蛇泡泡Laugh, Cobra Bubbles

0525, 笑吧,眼镜蛇泡泡Laugh, Cobra Bubbles



Laugh, Cobra Bubbles! 
Lilo thought she was a pretty lucky girl. She had a bunch of good friends whom she loved to laugh with. Stitch had a funny, scratchy laugh to go with his scratchy voice. Pleakley giggled, and Jumba shouted out big guffaws. But as for Cobra Bubbles, well, the truth was that Cobra Bubbles just didn't laugh. Ever. And Lilo was dying to find out what his laugh sounded like. So Lilo tried to get Cobra Bubbles to laugh. She showed him the latest episode of The World's Funniest Lobster Videos, but he didn't crack a smile, even when a lobster ate an entire jar of pickles. She made funny faces athim until her face hurt, but he just looked at her, expressionless. Clearly, something had to he done. It just wasn't healthy for a person to never laugh. "Nani, Cobra Bubbles is One of my best friends. He's practically family! But he never laughs. think I need to help him," Lilo said. "Well," Nani said tl ug-htfully, "what have you tried?" 
Lilo ticked off the things she had fried. "Hmm," said Nani, "I think I see the problem. Do you think those things are funny?" "Well, no," Lilo admitted. "I'm scared of lobsters, and my face still hurts from making funny faces." "Maybe Cobra Bubbles feels the same way," said Nani. "You know, he might laugh if he's having a good time. Why don't you start out by doing something fun?" The next day, Lilo enrolled Cobra Bubbles in her hula class. He did his best to follow the complicated steps of the dance, and Lilo did her best to keep a straight face. But it was impossible. Cobra Bubbles in a grass skirt was the funniest thing she'd ever seen. The other kids hi the class thought so, too. Soon they were all laughing even the hula teacher' To Lilo's surprise, Cobra Bubbles began to smile. And then he chuckled, And soon enough, Cobra Bubbles was actually laughing' nice surprise! Lilo thought that Cobra Bubbles's was Perfect. It was somehow both quiet all big, and very nice. Just like him 

