0520,罗斯是如何睡着的How Rose Dozed

0520,罗斯是如何睡着的How Rose Dozed



How Rose Dozed 

The moon hung high in the sky, and the stars twinkled around it. It was late at night, and Briar Rose was supposed to be sleeping. But with all those owls hooting and the frogs in a nearby pond croaking, who could sleep? After tossing and turning for hours on end, Briar Rose woke up Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather to see if they could help. "I've got the solution!" Fauna exclaimed. "You need to count sheep." "Lie down now, dear," Flora joined in, "and picture a fence. Then imagine sheep jumping over it one by one, and don't lose count!" Briar Rose lay back and did as they said. But when she got to sheep 544, she knew it wasn't working. Briar Rose went back to her aunts. "No luck," she said. "Oh, dear," said Flora. "We'll have to think of something else instead." "Sleep, schmeer Merryweather chimed in. "The night has its own brightness, twinkle, and shine. It's such a shame to sleep through it all of the time!" But if Briar Rose doesn't sleep at night, she'll be tired during the day," Fauna told the other good fairies. "Good point," Briar Rose agreed. "Well, then, try reading a book! Reading always puts me to sleep," Merryweather said with a yawn. "But I like reading," Briar Rose protested. "I'll never fall asleep." There was a pause as each of Briar Rose's aunts thought and thought about how to help her. "I know a way to help you sleep!" Fauna said suddenly. "All you have to do is think good thoughts about the day that's passed and hope for the happy things that tomorrow may bring." "Is that true?" Briar Rose asked. "Absolutely!" Flora agreed. "Now, close your eyes, dear," said Merryweather, "and we'll see you in your dreams." Briar Rose wasn't sure at first, but Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather had never let her down before. So she lay back and closed her eyes. She remember d her e  favorite parts of that day, then thought about the wonders tomorrow would bring. And wouldn't you know, p soon, retty  she was lost in her dreams. 

