345.She Sings Pop Music

345.She Sings Pop Music


She turned on the radio. She tuned in her favorite radio station. The station played pop music. She loved pop music. She sang along to the radio. She sang in the shower every morning. She jumped in the shower. She sang her heart out. She stepped out the shower. She grabbed the radio. She took it to the room. She turned it on again. She put on her clothes while listening to the radio. She did not stop singing. Her brother did not like her singing. "Be quiet!" he would yell. She could not hear him because the radio was too loud. She wanted to be a pop singer. It was her dream. She wanted to make her dream come true. She entered singing contests. She won first place. She was a great singer.
on the radio 广播中
tuned in 了解,掌握
radio station 无线电台 ; 广播电台
pop music 流行音乐 ; 流行乐曲
every morning 每天早晨
put on 穿上 ; 穿 ; 戴 ; 涂 ; 抹 ; 上演 ; 举办 ; 展出 ; 增加 ; 打开 ; 播放(唱片、磁带或CD光盘) ; 烹调 ; 加热 ; 对…下赌注 ; 押赌注于… ; 提高…的成本 ; 假装,矫饰
did not 没有 ; 未 ; 的缩写
Be quiet 安静点 ; 保持安静
dream come true 美梦成真

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  • Chinesemaomao


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