Episode 24: The Tea Horse Road as a Continuous Hiking Trail

Episode 24: The Tea Horse Road as a Continuous Hiking Trail


For this episode we explore the possibility of making the Tea Horse Road a continuous hiking trail by looking at the Rails-To-Trails project in the US with Ed Norton, Founding Chairman of the Rails-To-Trails Conservancy. Mei and Ed discuss the Rails-To-Trails project, from infancy to its present day 25,005 miles of trails, as well other historic trails around the globe, as models for a continuous trail along the Tea Horse Road in Yunnan (and beyond). 

在本期节目中,我们将与Ed Norton一起探讨让茶马古道成为一条连续徒步旅行路线的可能性。Ed Norton是美国Rails-To-Trails Conservancy的创始人, 他们讨论了“从起步到现在的2.5万英里的步道”项目,以及世界各地的其他历史步道,作为云南(及其他地区)茶马古道的连续步道的模型。

