Episode 30: Ecolodges and Restoration in Yangshuo and Shaxi

Episode 30: Ecolodges and Restoration in Yangshuo and Shaxi


For this episode we’re exploring Yangshuo, Guangxi and Shaxi, Yunnan with Chris Barclay. Who is Chris Barclay? Well, if you’ve been to Yangshuo anytime in the last 20 years, you’ve probably heard of the Yangshuo Mountain Retreat, a long-standing ecolodge on the banks of the Yulong River. This Yangshuo staple was Chris’ first foray into the hospitality industry, in 2001. Since then Chris has opened two more boutique hotels in China: the Yangshuo Village Inn and the Old Theatre Inn. In this episode we explore Chris’ journey as an entrepreneur, hotelier, designer and preservationist in China.

在这期节目中,我们将和 Chris Barclay一起探索广西阳朔和云南沙溪。谁是Chris Barclay ?如果你在过去20年里去过阳朔,你可能听说过阳朔胜地酒店,它是坐落在遇龙河岸边的一座历史悠久的生态度假酒店。2001年,这所酒店开业,也是Chris第一次涉足酒店业。从那以后,他又在中国开了两家精品酒店: 阳朔听月楼和沙溪戏台会馆。在这一集中,我们将探索Chris在中国作为企业家、酒店经营者、设计师和保护主义者的旅程。

