【英文听力原声】汤姆·索亚历险记 Chapter 3 第三章

【英文听力原声】汤姆·索亚历险记 Chapter 3 第三章


Day 3

After this, Tom was late for school, and the teacher looked at him angrily.

'Thomas Sawyer, why are you late again?' he said.

Tom began to speak, and then stopped. There was a new girl in the school room -- a beautiful girl with blue eyes and long yellow hair. Tom looked and looked.

Oh, how beautiful she was! And in two seconds Tom was in love! He must sit next to her. But how?

In the girls' half of the room there was only one empty chair, and it was next to the new girl. Tom thought quickly, and then looked at the teacher.

'I stopped to talk with Huckleberry Finn!' he said.

The teacher was very, very angry. Boys were often late for school. That was bad, but talking with Huckleberry Finn was worse, much worse! The teacher took his stick, and two minutes later Tom's trousers were very hot and the teacher's arm was very tired.

'Now, Tom Sawyer, you go and sit with the girls!'

Some of the children laughed. Tom walked to the chair next to the new girl, sat down and opened his book. The other children began to work again.

After ten minutes, the girl looked up. There was an apple on the table in front of her. She put it back on Tom's half of the table. A minute later the apple was in front of her again. Now it stayed. Next, Tom drew a picture of a house and put it in front of her.

'That's nice,' the girl said. 'Now draw a man.'

Tom drew a man next to the house. The man was taller than the house, and he had very big hands and very long legs. But the girl liked him.

'Can you draw me now?' she asked.

Tom drew a girl next to the man.

'You draw beautifully. I can't draw pictures.'

'I can teach you,' said Tom. 'After school.'

'Oh, please!'

'What's your name?' Tom asked.

'Becky, Becky Thatcher.'

Just then Tom felt a hand on his head. It was the teacher. He took Tom by the ear and moved him back to his chair in the boys' half of the room.

That night Tom went to bed at half past nine. He waited for Huck's meow, and at eleven o'clock it came. He climbed quietly out of the bedroom window, and then he and Huck walked out of the village with the dead cat.

The graveyard was on a hill, about a mile from Petersburg. When the boys got there, they put the dead cat on a grave, and sat down behind some trees. They watched, and waited. It was very dark, and very quiet.

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