81.三餐太咸影响健康Three meals too salty for your health

81.三餐太咸影响健康Three meals too salty for your health


As a common malignant tumour in China, it tops the list of all malignant tumours in China, both in terms of incidence and mortality. Furthermore, the mortality rate of stomach cancer is on the rise in China, and research on the prevention of stomach cancer is therefore one of the key national issues.
The factors that cause stomach cancer are complex and varied, including a high-salt diet. In other words, eating three salty meals a day can lead to a higher risk of stomach cancer.
Zhou, who has just celebrated her 60th birthday this year, is at the age of retirement and receives a substantial pension every month. She originally thought that she would not have to worry about school and students anymore and would just retire at home after retirement, but she never thought that after just a few months, she would have frequent health problems.
At the beginning, Zhou only had a slight loss of appetite, but she slowly developed symptoms of pain in her upper abdomen, which, combined with the loss of appetite, led to her daughter, who works abroad all year round, noticing the abnormality and repeatedly urging her to go to the hospital for a check-up during a video call.
No check-ups are not known, a check-up is a shock. The result was like a bolt from the blue, and Zhou asked the doctor in disbelief: "Isn't this just a common stomach problem? How can the test result be stomach cancer? Is there a mistake?"
After a detailed understanding, the doctor found that Zhou's mother usually likes to eat some over-salty food, or perhaps because of the degeneration of her taste buds, she feels very bland no matter what she eats, plus she is a true northerner herself, so she has three heavy meals a day.
Even her partner felt the same as eating salt when she ate it. At first, Zhou thought her partner was "picking on her", but now, looking back, it's a little scary.
So, why is eating too much salt prone to stomach cancer?
Japanese and British scientists have found through a series of scientific studies that when a person eats an excessive amount of high-salt food, it makes the gastric contents seep higher, and the gastric mucosa is damaged and even congested with blood.
In addition, the long-term intake of high-salt foods also inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandin E. If the synthesis of prostaglandin E, a substance that is effective in improving the resistance of the gastric mucosa, is restricted, the gastric mucosa is unprotected and damaged, which can easily lead to ulcers or gastritis.
High salt and salted foods also contain high levels of nitrates, which can be synthesised in the stomach with secondary amines to form carcinogenic amines nitrite, leading to stomach and digestive tract cancers.

