79.如何改善口臭How to improve bad breath

79.如何改善口臭How to improve bad breath


In the face of bad breath, what are some of the more effective ways to get rid of this problem?
1, the method of brushing teeth to science
To solve the problem of bad breath, the first task is to keep the internal environment of the mouth clean and hygienic, then you must keep the good habit of brushing your teeth in the morning and evening for a long time, so that the problem of bad breath will be well improved. A word of caution: some people like to eat before going to bed and then go straight to sleep. This bad habit causes food residue and microorganisms in the mouth to work together to produce an unpleasant smell, which is especially noticeable when waking up the next day.
To keep the oral environment healthy, brushing must be done scientifically so that it is effective and efficient. When brushing your teeth also pay special attention to: all-round, dead-end cleaning and scrubbing, which also includes the tongue should also be brushed clean.
2, health tea is good for lowering liver fire
Some people's bad breath problems are closely related to the weakening of the liver function, bad breath, dry mouth, bitter mouth and other symptoms indicate that the human body liver fire is more vigorous, secretion appears imbalanced. To improve this condition, drinking more nourishing teas is a good choice. The tea has a very good effect on the reduction of liver fire, bad breath and other problems will be improved, more often drink chrysanthemum tea, honeysuckle tea and so on.
3, control and improve the structure of the diet.
To solve the problem of bad breath, control and improve the structure of the diet is also very important. Some of the heavier tasting foods that are ingested will also fill the mouth with an irritating and unpleasant smell, such as garlic, leeks, onions, etc. Therefore, we must avoid these types of foods that have a strong smell.
There are also foods that have a strong taste and are not conducive to digestion, which we must also refuse in order to help protect the stomach and intestines, reduce digestive disorders and enable bad breath to improve.

