60.生活中我们如何养胃呢How do we feed our stomachs in life?

60.生活中我们如何养胃呢How do we feed our stomachs in life?


With the change of people's lifestyle, people who work often eat fast food outside, which will cause their stomach and intestines to be bad in the long run, which will cause some gastrointestinal diseases. The stomach is not just to talk about it, and not to eat some health products can solve the problem, it has to pay more attention in life, in the habits of life and diet habits to adjust, so that the stomach becomes more and more healthy.
1, to change the bad eating habits
Eat regularly and quantitatively, do not squat or stand to eat, do not eat smoked barbecue and fried food, drink less strong coffee and tea, eat more food rich in coarse fiber, such as mushrooms and celery, etc., take a small amount of the principle of multiple meals, each meal can only eat 7 minutes full.
2. Don't eat too much at each meal
It is recommended that you eat up to 8 points per meal, do not eat too much. The stomach is a delicate organ, eat too much, calorie overload, but also let the stomach has been in operation in the state, is not conducive to gastrointestinal health. If you eat less and are prone to hunger pangs until mealtime, then it is advisable to drink a little yoghurt, or warm water, or have some fruit to pad your stomach at this time. Eating smaller and more frequent meals can reduce the amount of food intake and also reduce the feeling of hunger.
3、After meals, pay attention to rest
If you don't rest after a meal, it will increase the burden on your stomach. Afterwards, you can do some exercises to help digestion, such as walking after a meal, but don't do strenuous exercises such as running and ball games.

