54.胃黏膜的“修复器”The "restorer" of the gastric mucosa

54.胃黏膜的“修复器”The "restorer" of the gastric mucosa


Although the stomach plays a vital and major role in maintaining the digestion and absorption of food in the body, it is also relatively "delicate" and can be easily affected by internal and external factors. For example, Helicobacter pylori is a common cause of gastric ulcers.
In addition, an uncontrolled and irregular diet, with a tendency to eat heavy foods, can also affect the health of the stomach to a greater or lesser extent. In order to maintain a healthy stomach, many people choose to eat millet porridge to strengthen their spleen and stomach.
It is true that millet, a whole grain, is rich in vitamins and its entry into the stomach and intestines not only clears heat and quenches thirst, but also nourishes the stomach, making it very suitable for those with a weak spleen and stomach. However, there are many people who do not know that these 3 kinds of food are actually better for the stomach than millet porridge, and their nutritional value is mostly overlooked.
As the saying goes: an apple a day, the doctor away from me. Although apples are very common in life, many people only know that it is rich in vitamins, but in fact it is also rich in pectin and dietary fiber, is a stomach "good helper".
Eating an apple every day not only increases the activity of the stomach lining and regulates the gastrointestinal tract, but the various minerals it contains also protect the gastric mucosa. Therefore, for many people with stomach problems, many doctors will advise them to keep eating apples.
2. Pumpkin
In the vegetable category, pumpkin is a very mild food and, like apples, it is also rich in vitamins and pectin. It is also rich in vitamins and pectin. After cooking, it is more conducive to intestinal digestion. The pectin contained in pumpkin, in particular, has a strong adsorption power, which can adsorb the rubbish in the stomach and H. pylori, etc., but also to accelerate the gastrointestinal motility, the body's waste discharge.
Therefore, pumpkin food is also known as the gastric mucosa "repairer", and become a good way to prevent gastric ulcers.
3. Honey
In addition to the two foods mentioned earlier, honey also plays an important role in repairing the gastric mucosa. The honey is relatively mild, after eating into the spleen and stomach, can protect the gastric mucosa at the same time, promote the secretion of gastric acid, and thus enhance peristalsis. Moreover, honey can be taken on an empty stomach. A little honey in the morning will provide timely nutrition for the gastrointestinal tract, reduce inflammation and strengthen your immune system while inhibiting the growth of bacteria.
Although the intake of nutrients through food can play a role in repairing the gastric mucosa, the most important thing to prevent and drive away gastric disease is to inhibit the growth of H. pylori.
Modern life is stressful and various factors lead to many people suffering from stomach problems at a young age. We may want to eat a little bit of stomach-nourishing food every day to boost the fighting ability of beneficial bacteria and provide favourable support for the ecological health of the gastrointestinal tract.

