


Western Valentine's Day is a popular date for Chinese couples to get married, but some believe February 22nd is even more auspicious. They believe February 22, 2022 is a day filled with love because the number 2 sounds like "love" in Chinese. Appointments for the date have already outnumbered those for February 14th at many marriage registration centers in Shanghai.

①Western Valentine's Day is a popular date for Chinese couples to get married, but some believe February 22nd is even more auspicious.

Western Valentine’s day、popular date和February 22nd要清晰地交代,more auspicious也要强调;a popular date之后、but之前和believe之后稍微停顿
Western Valentine's Day is a popular date ... for Chinese couples to get married, ... but some believe ... February 22nd is even more auspicious.

②They believe February 22, 2022 is a day filled with love because the number 2 sounds like "love" in Chinese.

February 22, 2022和两个love要重读;believe和第一个love之后稍微停顿
They believe ... February 22, 2022 is a day filled with love ... because the number 2 sounds like "love" in Chinese.

③Appointments for the date have already outnumbered those for February 14th at many marriage registration centers in Shanghai.

the date、outnumbered和February 14th要强调出来;the date和February 14th之后稍微停顿
Appointments for the date ... have already outnumbered those for February 14th ... at many marriage registration centers in Shanghai. 

Western Valentine's Day is a popular date for Chinese couples to get married, but some believe February 22nd is even more auspicious. They believe February 22, 2022 is a day filled with love because the number 2 sounds like "love" in Chinese. Appointments for the date have already outnumbered those for February 14th at many marriage registration centers in Shanghai. 

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