Peter and Benjamin Find a Boot 3 Stuck!

Peter and Benjamin Find a Boot 3 Stuck!


Peter and Benjamin Find a Boot 3: Stuck!
    The bunnies hopped to the farm.
    "Jemima!" Benjamin called.
    "We are looking for an old boot."
    "Oh," Jemima said.
    "I wanted to make a nest in that boot.
    But it was too small for my eggs."
    "Great!" Peter said.
    "Can we have the boot?"
    "No," Jemima said.
    "I gave the boot to Tom Kitten.
    He gave me hay."
    The bunnies hopped away.
    They found Tom near some big rocks.
    "Do you have the boot?" Benjamin called.
    Tom nodded sadly.
    "Yes, but . . ."
    He pointed to the boot.
    It was stuck between two rocks.
    "We need that boot!" Peter said.
    "Can we have it?" Benjamin asked.
    "Okay," Tom said.
    "I will give you the boot.
    Will you give me some candy?"
    "Okay." Peter reached into his pockets.
    He gasped. "Where is all my candy?"
    Peter had just one piece left.
    He gave it to Tom.
    "Bye!" Tom said.
    The bunnies grabbed the boot.
    They pulled hard.
    But it was still stuck!

