Jeremy Fisher Gets Sick 4 A Little Cold

Jeremy Fisher Gets Sick 4 A Little Cold


Jeremy Fisher Gets Sick 4: A Little Cold
    Jeremy climbed into bed.
    He slept for a long time.
    He got up and ate some soup.
    Then he slept again.
    In a few days, Jeremy felt much better.  
    He thought about his friends.
    "They were very kind to me," Jeremy said.
    "I must thank them."
    Jeremy found some books for Ribby.  
    He made a cake for Jemima.
    He picked pretty flowers for Mrs. Rabbit.
    Jeremy went to Ribby's house first.  
    "Shall we read together?" he asked.
    "My throat feels scratchy," Ribby croaked.
    "I can't read today."
    Next Jeremy took the cake to Jemima.
    She shook her head.
    "I'm not hungry." She moaned.
    "I have a fever."
    Finally Jeremy went to Mrs. Rabbit's house.  
    "Thank you for the pretty flowers," she said.
    "But I am too sick to enjoy them."
    Jeremy hopped home.
    He shook his head.  
    "My friends made such a big fuss," he thought.
    "Over a little cold!"

