Jeremy Fisher Gets Sick 1 A Big Cold

Jeremy Fisher Gets Sick 1 A Big Cold


Jeremy Fisher Gets Sick 1: A Big Cold
    It was a rainy day.
    Jeremy's head hurt.
    His throat felt scratchy.
    "Something is wrong with me!" he moaned.
    Jeremy wrote letters to his friends.
    "I think I am sick.
    Please help me!"
    Mrs. Rabbit opened her letter.
    "Oh no!" she said. "Jeremy is sick.  
    I will bring him some tea."
    Jemima saw a letter from Jeremy.
    She clucked.
    "Poor Jeremy is sick.
    I will bring him a cake."
    Ribby read Jeremy's letter.
    Jeremy was sick.
    "I will bring him a book," Ribby said.
    Jeremy's friends knocked on his door.
    "Come in," Jeremy croaked.
    "You sound terrible," Jemima said.
    "I feel terrible," Jeremy said.
    "I'm dying!"
    The three friends looked at each other.
    They tried not to laugh.
    "You're not dying," Ribby said.
    "You just have a little cold," Mrs. Rabbit said.
    "No." Jeremy moaned.
    "I have a
    Ribby laughed. "Colds are awful.
    But we will help you get well soon."

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