Linguaphone 15.2.4 mum's hair

Linguaphone 15.2.4 mum's hair


Mum’s hair
Jane: I love your hair, Mum. It’s the same as Sheila’s style, isn’t it?
Mrs. Hunt: No, it’s different from Sheila’s hairstyle. Her hair’s shorter. And it’s different from the style that I usually wear. It was nicer last week, wasn’t it?
Jane: No, I think it’s nicer this week.
Mrs. Hunt: I’m glad you like it. Now, where are the clothes?
Jane: They’re still at the launderette.
Mrs. Hunt: Did you have enough money?
Jane: Yes. We had enough money, but they hadn’t got a change machine.
Mrs. Hunt: Oh dear.
Jane: It’s all right. The clothes might be ready by now.

