





The moment Natasha Romanoff anchored her carabiner to the steel frame of the open skylight, her mind went into overdrive.

The adrenaline kicked it up, and she rode the surge the way she did everything—fast and hard, with no apology and no regret.

rappelled silently down into the warehouse

Her mind first ran through Ivan’s obvious moves,then his logical moves, then his less logical ones. She knew them all. 

Ivan, what are you up to? 

Kid. Vulnerability. Check.

raised an eyebrow

rolled her eyes

snipers,but they are just insurance

They would have already engaged me.

Because he knows I’m about to get the drop on him?

With that, Natasha Romanoff relaxed her hands and slid to the warehouse floor as quietly as a spider. 

A tattoo of barbed wire circled its way around his neck, the sign of a stint in a Russian prison.

Knock-knock, Ivan. Who’s there? S.H.I.E.L.D.

Sorry. It’s more punch than line.

with a ninja flourish

The bullet went wide, and the shooter went down.


1. 词汇


1) adrenaline /əˈdrenələn/ n. 肾上腺素

A good horror film will get the adrenaline going. 一部好的恐怖片能让人既紧张又兴奋。

2) Check /tʃek/ v. [口语]有,办妥(某人提到清单上列出的东西时的回答)

Passport? Check. Ticket? Check. 护照?带了。机票?带了。

3) engage /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/ v. 与(敌人)开战

4) punchline /ˈpʌntʃlaɪn/ n.(笑话或故事中最后点题或抛出笑料等的)妙语,画龙点睛的结尾语

5) surge /sɝːdʒ/ n. 汹涌,浪涌,突然涌动

6) vulnerability /ˌvʌlnɚəˈbɪlət̬i/ n. 弱点,缺陷,脆弱性

7) wide /waɪd/ adj. 未击中目标的,偏离目标的

His shot was just wide of the goal. 他的射门踢飞了。


1) carabiner /ˌkerəˈbiːnɚ/ n. 登山扣

2) charge /tʃɑːrdʒ/ v. 进攻,冲锋

3) rappel /ræpˈel/ v. 绕绳下降

4) stint /stɪnt/ n. 固定(进行某项工作或活动的)时期

a stint in a Russian prison 在俄罗斯坐过一段时间的牢

5) thug /θʌɡ/ n. 恶棍,暴徒

2. 短语搭配

1) the moment 一……就……

Everything stops the moment she walks in the room. 她一进来,整个房间瞬间安静了。

2) go into overdrive 加大力度,超强度工作

3) be up to sth 忙于某事

The children are very quiet. I wonder what they’re up to. 孩子们很安静,我不知道他们在搞什么鬼。

4) raise one’s eyebrows 竖起眉毛,瞠目结舌

5) roll one’s eyes 翻白眼

6) get the drop on sb 先发制人,胜过某人

7) with a flourish 用引人注意的动作,用夸张的动作

3. 实用句型

with that 说完,于是,随即

“I still think you're wrong,” he said and with that he drove away. “我还是觉得你错了”,他这样说完,随即驾车离开。

4. 文化知识

1)Mexican style (Mexican carry)指的是像墨西哥人那样携带枪支,直接把手枪放在腰带里,不带枪套。19世纪墨西哥的牛仔和美国牛仔很像,独立而自力更生,他们经常这样带着手枪到处走。

2)knock knock jokes,敲门笑话,英语中一种常见的笑话形式。通常一个人先敲门(Knock knock),另一个人在门内询问是谁(Who’s there?),然后敲门人用自己的名字造一个谐音梗。比如,“Knock, knock.” “Who’s there?” “Abby.” “Abby who?” “Abby birthday to you!”

  • Ellie02


    青橙英语阅读 回复 @Ellie02: 是滴~单词我们分重点单词和拓展单词,还有短语和实用句型的总结~

  • Wingie


    青橙英语阅读 回复 @Wingie: 哈哈哈会转达主播大大的

  • 四尾龟


    青橙英语阅读 回复 @四尾龟: 谢谢喜欢~

  • 泊秦淮阿姨

    Knock knock~

    青橙英语阅读 回复 @泊秦淮阿姨: Who’s there?

  • 吴木桢


  • 熊黄久


    青橙英语阅读 回复 @熊黄久: 谢谢喜欢呀

  • 多来点小鱼干


  • 一只黄金煎饺


    青橙英语阅读 回复 @一只黄金煎饺: 讲义里也有文化知识的文字版详细介绍~