





The thugs were a distraction.

And you don’t bother to take out the security cameras first?

The look in his eye would make any girl shiver, but Natasha didn’t flinch.

She couldn’t take her eyes off the machine standing between him and the girl.

It was also why she was here, that tech—though S.H.I.E.L.D. hadn’t filled her in on the details.

All she knew was that she was here to put three bullets into her old Yoda and bag the box.

What is this thing? It looks like it belongs in a museum. And word on the street is Ivan the Strange’s new gig is stranger than usual.

The Program has seen, you know, better days. But that doesn’t mean we can’t pick up a few of the pieces and make some money.

Red Room remnants. Dinosaurs like me, fighting extinction.

What you were was a pain in my zadnitse.

A ticking time bomb.

What’s his game?

It exploded in a burst of fire and black smoke—and he went flying back from the impact.

The child screamed with every gunshot, her arms and legs instinctively kicking, her dark eyes wide with fright.

But then the blue light was gone, if only because everything else was going up in flames around it.


1. 词汇


1) dinosaur /ˈdaɪnəsɔːr/ n. 守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西

2) distraction /dɪˈstrækʃən/ n. 使人分心的事物
This is a distraction from more serious issues. 它分散了人们对更严重问题的注意。

3) extinction /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃən/ n. 灭绝,绝种

4) generator /ˈdʒenəreɪt̬ɚ/ n. 发电机

5) impact /ˈɪmpækt/ n. 冲击力,撞击力

6) shiver /ˈʃɪvɚ/ v.(因寒冷或害怕而)颤抖,哆嗦,发抖

7) (ticking) time bomb 定时炸弹;潜在的严重问题

1) flinch /flɪntʃ/ v.(因疼痛、害怕、生气而)退缩,畏缩

2) gig /ɡɪɡ/ n.(尤指短时的)工作

3) remnant /ˈremnənt/ n. 残余部分,剩余部分

4) round /raʊnd/ n. 一枪,一发

5) wide /waɪd/ adj.(眼睛)睁大的(尤指某人非常吃惊、兴奋或恐惧时)
wide with anticipation 满怀期待地睁大眼睛

2. 短语搭配
1) not bother to do sth 懒得做某事
He didn’t bother to answer the questions. 他懒得回答这个问题。

2) can’t take one’s eyes off sth 视线无法离开...

3) fill sb in on sth 向某人提供某方面的最新消息
I think you’d better fill me in on what’s been happening. 我想你最好还是告诉我发生了什么。

4) belong in 适合(某种情形),应在(某处)
This attitude doesn’t belong in modern society. 这种处事态度不适合现代社会。

5) word on the street 小道消息,传闻
The word on the street is that you’re pregnant. 他们说你怀孕了。

6) pick up the pieces 收拾残局,努力恢复正常

7) a pain in the ass 讨厌鬼,烦心事

8) talk a big game 吹牛,夸夸其谈

9) a split second 一刹那,一瞬间

10) go up in flames 陷入火海,毁于一旦

3. 实用句型
1) I wish. 但愿如此。

2) What’s your game? 你在干什么;你想干什么

3) if only because . . . 只不过是因为
Jack ate the last cookie if only because he wanted to wash the plate. 仅仅因为想洗盘子,杰克把最后一块饼干吃掉了。

4. 文化知识
1) Yoda,尤达大师(Master Yoda),《星球大战》(Star Wars)系列作品中的重要人物,绝地委员会大师,曾担任过绝地武士团最高大师(Grand Master of Jedi Order)。德高望重,隐居在行星达戈巴的沼泽中度过了他的余生。九百岁的尤达授徒已经有八个多世纪了。他的原力非常深厚。在他的最后几个学生中有近代最重要的绝地武士,比如卢克·天行者。

2) Yugo:80年代末,南斯拉夫汽车制造商用来打入美国市场的紧凑型车型。它的价格十分低廉,但是性能和质量都十分糟糕,被美国人称为“史上最烂的车”。

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