废墟之上的承诺 Chapter3【双语】(订阅+关注+五星好评)

废墟之上的承诺 Chapter3【双语】(订阅+关注+五星好评)





Soldiers were downed.

Shrapnel had taken out the ones she hadn’t.

Either way, it didn’t matter now.

Sirens blared from every direction as she lifted the child out of the rubble.

Because she felt something awkward, a certain kind of uncomfortable warmth, as it uncoiled inside her chest. Sympathy. Familiarity. Some kind of connection.

And Natasha Romanoff didn’t like feelings she didn’t understand. She didn’t like feelings, period.

Knowing Ivan Somodorov as she did, the odds of either were slim to none.

Natasha knew the drill.

She had had enough of Ivan Somodorov.

Natasha Romanoff had spent a lifetime putting a lifetime between the two of them. 

It was what the little girl needed to hear, she reasoned.

No, Coulson, I can help you. I made sure to leave the security cameras running.

Speaking of which, good job in there.

Your file says you were Red Room too. This must have been personal for you. 

Well, that’s probably for the best, seeing as most of a building just dropped on your friend Ivan.

There’s a shocker.

And, for the record, not having friends?


1. 词汇


1) down /daʊn/ v. 将(某人)打倒在地;大口喝下,快速吃下

He downed his opponent. 他打倒了对手。

He downed the coffee in one gulp. 他一口把咖啡喝了下去。

2) marker /ˈmɑːrkɚ/ n. 记号笔

3) odds /ɑːdz/ n.(pl.)(事物发生的)可能性

4)personal /ˈpɝːsənəl/ adj. 私人的,私生活的

5)reason /ˈriːzən/ v. 推断

6)rubble /ˈrʌbəl/ n.(被毁的建筑物或墙壁的)碎石,碎砖,瓦砾

7)siren /ˈsaɪrən/ n.(警车,消防车等的)汽笛,警报器

8)slim /slɪm/ adj.(数量或数字)微小的

a slim chance 机会渺茫

9) uncoil /ʌnˈkɔɪl/ v. 展开


1)hourglass /ˈaʊrɡlæs/ n.(计时用的)沙漏

2)remains /rɪˈmeɪnz/ n. 剩余部分,遗迹

3)ruin /ˈruːɪn/ n. 残垣断壁,废墟

4)shocker /ˈʃɑːkɚ/ n.(影片,新闻等)引起震惊的东西

5)shrapnel /ˈʃræpnəl/ n.(炸弹、子弹等炸开后的)弹片

2. 短语搭配

1)know the drill 知道该怎么做

2)make sure to do sth 确保做某事,一定做某事

Make sure you close the refrigerator. 一定确保你关好了冰箱。

3) be for the best 会有好结果

I still don’t want him to go, but maybe it’s for the best. 我还是不想他离开,但可能这样是最好的吧。

3. 口语表达

1)either way (两种情况中)不论发生哪一种情况

Either way, she wins. 不管怎样,她都赢了。

2) Not exactly. 不全是。

3)period 就这样定了(用于表示已做出决定,不想再讨论某话题)

I want the document without any errors, period. 我需要这些文件上一个错都没有,这事没商量。

4) speaking of which 说到这,正好说到这件事

5)for the record 记录下来;听好了,请注意

For the record, this conversation will be recorded. 请注意,本次谈话将会被录音。

4. 文化知识

1) siren,警报器,首字母大写的时候表示古希腊神话中人首鸟身的怪物塞壬(Siren)。塞壬又被称为海妖,飞翔在大海上,徘徊在海中礁石或船舶之间,用自己天籁般的歌喉使得过往的水手倾听失神,航船触礁沉没,船员则成为塞壬的腹中餐。

2) Sharpie,夏比记号笔,世界上第一支永久标记的记号笔,几乎每个美国家庭平均拥有超过2支夏比记号笔。夏比是著名的美国三福公司(Sanford)旗下品牌,而三福是全世界最大的文仪用品集团之一,拥有派克、威迪文、比百美、Expo、红环等其他世界著名品牌。

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