07.老鹰和鸡|The Eagle and the Chicken

07.老鹰和鸡|The Eagle and the Chicken


Legend has it that originally chickens and eagles were the same, both ran away and could not fly, although they had wings!
One day, when the chicken and the eagle were playing together, they unknowingly got lost and came to a desperate situation: there was a cliff in front of them and there was no way back. The chicken looked down the cliff and shuddered!
The eagle also looked down the cliff and said to the chicken, "Now we have only one way to live, and that is to jump off!
The chicken said to the eagle, "Isn't that asking us to die? The hawk replied: "We have never used our wings before, we don't have anything to spare, this time we can use our wings and maybe we will fly forever in the blue sky and white clouds and never have to walk again!
The chicken said: "It's too risky. Besides, we've never used our wings before, so if they don't let us fly, we're dead. The hawk retorted: there is no shortage of risk in doing anything, and in order to survive, sometimes we have to take a gamble, and with that the hawk jumped off the cliff, and in that moment, it flapped its wings hard, and in that moment, the hawk flew, and the chicken was stunned at that scene, and the chicken wanted to fly too, so the chicken jumped off the cliff too, and the chicken flapped its wings hard a few times, and felt too tired, so it slowed down its speed strength, and the chicken felt so The chicken felt quite comfortable, and self-absorbed, descended safely to the bottom of the cliff, at that moment, the chicken saw the eagle in the blue sky ......
This story tells us that when faced with a challenge, different attitudes can lead to different results; whether you choose to fly or not depends on whether you can persevere to the end.
One day 将来有一天;总有一天;有朝一日 ; 一天;一日
got lost 迷路
desperate situation 危急的形势
in front of 在前面 ; 在…前面
only one 唯一 ; 只有一个 ; 独一无二
and that 而且,并且
jump off 跳下 ; 开始行动;发起进攻jump off作此解时通常不用于进行体。
this time 这次 ; 这时候

