Susan三叶草 2021年12月12日 上午8:25

Susan三叶草 2021年12月12日 上午8:25

Unless you manage it mindfully, your personal resource allocation process will decide investments for you according to the“default”criteria that essentially are wired into your brain and your heart. As is true in companies,your resources are not decided and deployed in a single meeting or when you review your calendar for the week ahead. It is a continuous process-and you have,in your brain,a filter for making choices about what to prioritize.
But it's a messy process.People ask for your time and energy every day,and even if you are focused on what's important to you,it's still difficult to know which are the right choices.If you have an extra ounce of energy or a spare thirty minutes,there are a lot of people pushing you to spend them here rather than there. With so many people and projects wanting your time and attention, you can feel like you are not in charge of your own destiny. Sometimes that's good: opportunities that you never anticipated emerge. But other times,those opportunities can take you far off course,as was true for so many of my classmates.
The danger for high-achieving people is that they'll unconsciously allocate their resources to activities that yield the most immediate, tangible accomplishments.This is often in their careers,as this domain of their life provides the most concrete evidence that they are moving forward.They ship a product, finish a design, help a patient,close a sale, teach a class, win a case, publish a paper, get paid, get promoted.They leave college and find it easy to direct their precious energy into building a career. The students in my class are often like this— they leave school with an intense drive to have something to show for their education.
