Susan三叶草 2021年12月9日 上午6:26

Susan三叶草 2021年12月9日 上午6:26

Misaligned incentives are pervasive. For example, America is unable to change its Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlement programs. despite the fact that everyone agrees that these programs are driving the country over a precipitous cliff toward bankruptcy. Why? Members of the House of Representatives stand for reelection every two years.These representatives,rightly or wrongly,are convinced that if America is to be saved,they personally need to be reelected in order to lead that effort.
It is broadly known how to solve these problems.But no members of the House will pull these solutions out of their bags,to“sell” them to their customer, the voters.The reason is that there are so many people who benefit from the entitlements that they will vote out of office anyone who pulls the solution out of his or her bag.Despite the fact that senior statesmen (who are retired and no longer need to stand for reelection) are sitting right next to the members and,over and over, urge the current representatives to pull the solutions out of their bags, the elected officials simply cannot do it. Somebody ought to organize a conference in Maui where SonoSite's salespeople, Unilever's HPLs, and members of Congress cancommiserate with each other about the tug-of-war between what they're being told are their priorities and what they are actually being encouraged to do.
It's not an easy game to win.
