95.【精讲版】第十八章-Chapter18-1 向歌神亮明身份

95.【精讲版】第十八章-Chapter18-1 向歌神亮明身份



Ernesto de la Cruz rolled up his sleeves and, in true movie-herofashion, jumped into the pool.


He lifted a coughing Miguel to the edge. “Are you all right, niño?”Ernesto asked.


Miguel looked up, mortified. The paint on his face began to run, andeveryone saw he was a living boy.


Ernesto’s eyes widened. The crowd gasped and murmured.


It’s you!” said Ernesto. “You are that boy, the one who came fromthe Land of the Living.”


Y-you...know about me?”Miguel stammered. “You are all anyone has been talking about! Why have you comehere?”


I’m Miguel. Your great-great-grandson.”


The crowd murmured some more. Ernesto leaned back, shocked. “I havea great-great-grandson?”


I need your blessing. So I can go back home and be a musician, justlike you,” Miguel said. “The rest of our family, they wouldn’t listen. But I...I hoped you would.


There was a long pause.


My boy, with a talent like yours, how could I not listen?” Ernestode la Cruz embraced Miguel and then swept him up onto his shoulders, showinghim off to the room. “I have a great-great-grandson!”


The crowd roared with applause.


Meanwhile, at the bottom of the hill, the silhouette of Frida Kahlostepped up to the security guard.

与此同时,在山脚下,一个酷似弗里达 · 卡罗的身影走向保安。

Honey, look! It’s Frida!” someone yelled.


Yes, it is I. Frida Kahlo,” said the figure. The security guardimmediately stood back and gestured her onto the cable car.

“对,是我,弗里达 · 卡罗。那个人影说。保安立刻后退一步,请她上缆车。

It is an honor, señora死牛拉!” the securityguard exclaimed as she stepped on. The doors closed behind her. The “artist”adjusted her wig.


I know,” said Hector, heading up to Ernesto’s mansion.


Miguel, forgetting the time, chatted away with Ernesto and hisguests. He relished the attention as the legendary singer barged into several party conversations, proudly introducing Miguel with giddy enthusiasm. The guests enjoyed watching Dante mingle, too.



01. roll up 卷起来

      sleeves [s'livz] n. 袖子

      roll up sleeves 卷起衣袖

02. jump into 跳入

03. pool [puːl] = swimming pool 游泳池

04. mortified ['mɔːtɪfaɪd] adj. 窘迫的

05. paint [peɪnt] n. 颜料

06. widen [ˈwaɪdn] v. 扩大,拓宽

07. gasp [ɡæsp] v. 喘气,倒吸一口凉气

08. murmur [ˈmɜːrmər] v. 低语,窃窃私语

09. blessing [ˈblesɪŋ] n. 祝福

      I need your blessing. 我需要您的祝福。

10. pause [pɔːz] n. 暂停

11. talent [ˈtælənt] n. 才能,天赋

      gift [ɡɪft] n. 天赋

12. meanwhile [ˈmiːnwaɪl] adv. 与此同时

13. step up 走近

14. figure [ˈfɪɡjər] n. 人物

15. stand back 后退,往后站

16. gesture [ˈdʒestʃər] v. 做手势

17. adjust [əˈdʒʌst] v. 调整

18. wig [wɪɡ] n. 假发

19. chat away 闲聊


I need [niːd] your blessing [ˈblesɪŋ]. So I can go back [bæk] home and be a musician [mjuˈzɪʃn], just like you.


