关于钱的铁律 Iron Rules of Money ⑵ (中英对照)

关于钱的铁律 Iron Rules of Money ⑵ (中英对照)

The only way to build wealth is to have a gap between your ego and your income. Getting rich has little to do with your income and everything to do with your savings rate. And your savings rate is just the difference between your ego and your income. Keep the former in check and you should be fine over time.累积财富的唯一办法就是划清自我价值和实际收入的界限。致富与您的收入基本无关,与您的储蓄率则息息相关。而储蓄率恰恰显示出自我价值与实际收入之间的差异。约束自我价值感,日子总会好起来。The most valuable asset you can have is a strong propensity to not care what others think. Most people are bad with money, so being good means doing things differently than they do. You won’t spend as much. You’ll invest differently. You’ll grow wealth slower. This can make you look like a fool in the short run. But who cares what others think? They’re probably idiots. As Charlie Munger put it,“Someone will always be getting richer faster than you. This is not a tragedy.” Not only is it not a tragedy, but it’s a necessity. The ability to not care what other people think about what you’re doing is mandatory in achieving abnormal results.您能拥有的最宝贵的资产是可以全然屏蔽他人的评头论足。大部分人都不擅长理财,所以,想做好,跟别人不一样就行。投资金额不用那么多,投资方式要与众不同。您的致富过程会漫长些,而这会使您短期内看起来像个傻瓜。但谁管他人怎么想?或许他们才是笨蛋。就如查理·芒格所言:“总会有人比您致富快。这不是悲剧。”这不仅不是悲剧,还是必经之路。能做到不在意别人的想法,是取得非凡成就的必要条件。Spend more time studying failures than successes. You can learn more about money from the person who went bankrupt with a subprime mortgage than you can from Warren Buffett. That’s because it’s easier and more common to be stupid than it is to be brilliant, so you should spend more effort trying to avoid bad decisions than making good ones. Economist Eric Falkenstein summed this up well: “In expert tennis, 80% of the points are won, while in amateur tennis, 80% are lost. The same is true for wrestling, chess, and investing: Beginners should focus on avoiding mistakes, experts on making great moves.”多花点儿时间研究失败原因而非成功方法。比起向沃伦·巴菲特学习财富知识,一个在次贷危机中破产的人能让您学到更多。因为做蠢事往往比做聪明事更容易也更常见。所以,您应该更努力地避免做出错误决定,而不是花精力确保决策正确。经济学家埃里克·法尔肯施泰因总结得很好:“专业网球赛中,80% 的得分都靠自己赢来,而在业余赛中,80% 的得分都源于对方失误。同样的规律也适用于摔跤、国际象棋和投资,就是说:新手应将注意力集中在避免犯错上,而专业人士则应聚焦于采取更好的行动。”People are flawed, so a lot of stuff makes no sense. As James Grant put it, “To suppose that the value of a stock is determined purely by a corporation’s earnings is to forget that people have burned witches, gone to war on a whim, and believed Orson Welles when he told them over the radio that the Martians had landed.”人无完人,故而很多事情毫无意义。正如詹姆斯·格兰特所述:“若认为一只股票的价值单纯取决于一个企业的收益,那就是忘了人们曾经烧死女巫、曾一时冲动发动战争,还曾相信奥森·威尔斯在广播里说的火星人已登陆地球。”Anything can happen at any time for any reason. You might be laid off next week. You can be sued tomorrow. Or win the lottery. Maybe you’ll get cancer. Or a huge promotion. Stocks can rally for twice as long as you think and crash twice as fast as you assumed. History is one damned thing after another, most of it involves money, and there’s nothing you can do about it.任何事情都可能在任何时间以任何理由发生。下周您可能就下岗,明天您可能就被起诉,或者一下中了大奖,也许哪天就得了癌症,还可能被大力提拔。股价反弹的时间可能是您预测的两倍,而股价暴跌的速度也可能是您想象的两倍。历史就是倒霉事一件接着一件来,大部分都与钱有关,而您却对此无能为力。Good luck. 祝您好运。
