三种长江鱼的启示录 ⑵ (中英对照)

三种长江鱼的启示录 ⑵ (中英对照)

I still vividly remember the story my grandpa told me, then only a young schoolboy, about these three kinds of fish: A group of fishermen used a single net to catch all of them successively. The net looked like one used on a volleyball court. With it they blocked the path down the river, so that fish might weave their way through its mesh. The crucian carp has a tiny head but a stocky body; whereas the head made it through, the body got stuck halfway. If it had tried to cope by pulling backwards, though, the fish could still have escaped. But it was so fussy about its scales that it just wouldn’t do so. Taking advantage of the situation, the fishermen captured it without a hitch. Seeing what had happened to the crucian carp, the hairtail thought, “What a fool! He could have backed off before it was too late.” It acted accordingly, but its fins got caught on the net. It could have broken free had it moved on ahead. However, it took the wrong lesson from its predecessor and desperately darted backwards rather than forward. Sure enough, it fell captive as well. The globefish sneered when its turn arrived, “You nuts! If you had neither moved forward nor backwards, you would be safe now.” So, once it reached the net its body began puffing up. Bigger and bigger did the fish inflate until it became like a balloon floating above the water. The fisherman easily subdued it like they had done the other two…
