三种长江鱼的启示录 ⑴ (中英对照)

三种长江鱼的启示录 ⑴ (中英对照)

A Lesson from Three Kinds of Yangtze Fish
匡天龙 文 / 王维东 译    

My ancestral home is at Jingjiang in the middle Yangtze valley. I was born and grew up by the riverside. That’s why I always pour my heart out to its majestic, rolling body of water. Because I’ve been so used to the river, I’m well acquainted with the three kinds of fish that habitually hover below its surface — the crucian carp, the hairtail and the globefish. They’re all known for their tender, delicious meat, ranking among heart-warming fare of the highest order. Being different in appearance and structure, they lend themselves to different ways of preparation or dining. The crucian carp looks like a common carp except for its somewhat flatter body. In preparing a crucian carp the cook isn’t supposed to remove its scales, for the simple reason that the fine taste of the fish is conveyed through its scales to start with. The hairtail, a smaller species shaped like a dagger, impresses diners with its soft delicate texture. But the latter had better be careful while feasting on it — its hundreds of sharp needlelike bones can get stuck in one’s throat at the slightest incaution. A globefish, on the other hand, features a bloated round belly; it isn’t cloaked with scales but rather a prickly skin. Diners are expected to eat that skin along with the fish itself, which, according to folk wisdom, is good for one’s stomach. However, a globefish can be extremely poisonous — Should a diner be unlucky the poison will kill him! Each year, quite a bunch of individuals die from eating this dangerous delicacy; hence the popular saying “To eat globefish is to gamble with one’s own life.”
