


Lesson Eight   How I Designed an A-Bomb in My Junior Year at Princeton 154

do you think a student could design a workable A-Bomb? why ? why not?

4.1) I think it is possible for a student to design a workable atomic bomb. Designing a bomb chiefly requires good knowledge of nuclear physics, mathematics and chemistry. Books on nuclear fission and nuclear-reactor technology are available to the general public. And today a student can work in far better conditions than in Phillips' university days: advanced computers can do the calculations accurately; more secret documents have since been declassified. If a student works as hard as Phillips, I believe he/she could work out a design.我认为学生设计可行的原子弹是可能的。设计核弹主要需要良好的核物理、数学和化学知识。有关核裂变和核反应堆技术的书籍已向公众开放。今天的学生可以在比菲利普斯大学时代更好的条件下学习:先进的计算机可以精确地进行计算;此后,更多的秘密文件被解密。如果一个学生像Phillips一样努力学习,我相信他/她可以做出一个设计。

in your opinion, who gave philips the most valuable information ? why do you think so?

4.2) I think the declassified documents of the Los Alamos Project were most valuable because one of them carefully outlines the details of atomic fission. When Phillips' adviser saw these documents, he was quite surprised. He probably knew that with the information he had collected, Phillips stood a good chance of designing a workable bomb.我认为洛斯阿拉莫斯项目的解密文件是最有价值的,因为其中一份文件仔细地概述了原子裂变的细节。当菲利普斯的顾问看到这些文件时,他非常惊讶。他可能知道,根据他收集到的信息,菲利普斯很有可能设计出一种可行的炸弹。

do you think governments should take security measures to make sure that no A-Bombs are made by anyone sho wants to build them.?why/why not? what measures do you think should be taken?

3) Yes, I think governments should make sure that no atomic bombs are made by any individual or group. If all existing atomic bombs could be destroyed it would be a great blessing for the human race. I'm not sure what measures should be taken to safeguard nuclear secrets and materials. I think that is the business of international organizations and the governments of all countries of the world.是的,我认为政府应该确保没有任何个人或团体制造原子弹。如果现存的所有原子弹都能被摧毁,那将是人类的一大幸事。我不知道应该采取什么措施来保护核机密和核材料。我认为这是国际组织和世界各国政府的事情。

write a detailed outline of Phillips' work process

your outline should include these points:

  1)  Mastering basic principles or theory

2)finding useful information from declassified documents.

3)solving key problems in the actual designing

5. 1. Pre-designing work. 
A. Study of theory of nuclear physics. 
1. He reads the books his adviser recommends on nuclear reactor technology.
2. His adviser explains the basic principles of nuclear physics. 
B. Search for information.. 
1、He reads reference books available to the general public. 
2. He discovers a declassified document outlining the details of atomic fission.  

5. 1. 设计工作。


1. 他阅读他的顾问推荐的有关核反应堆技术的书籍。

2. 他的导师解释核物理的基本原理。



2. 他发现了一份解密文件,概述了原子裂变的细节。

II. Designing.
A. Method he adopts. 
1. He identifies the key problem: the arrangement of the explosives. 
2. He approaches every problem from a terrorist point of view. 
3. He identifies missing information and tries to fill in the gaps 
B. Last two problems in the designing 
1. He is not sure which explosives he should use. 
2. He doesn't know how he should arrange the explosives
C. Solution to the last two problems. 
1. He checks his calculations and corrects errors
.2. He works out the arrangement of the explosives mathematically
3. He tactfully learned what explosives to use from a chemical company, 



1. 他指出了关键问题:炸药的布置。

2. 他从恐怖分子的角度来处理每一个问题。



1. 他不确定该用哪种炸药。

2. 他不知道该如何布置炸药


1. 他检查自己的计算并改正错误

2. 他用数学计算出炸药的排列


iii. Successful Conclusion.He finally designs an atomic bomb that could be exploded.成功的结论。他终于设计出了一颗可以爆炸的原子弹。

