


Lesson Nine Forty Years On 173

why do you think aunt carrie decided to play the game both ways?

4.1) Probably Aunt Carrie found that both boys lacked confidence in themselves. By nature, the narrator was shy, and John Bullyer was diffident. She knew their shyness and diffidence would be a barrier on their road to success. And I think she also saw their potential. So she decided to help them shed their shyness/diffidence. Overindulgence or too much care wouldn't bring about any good result, she thought, nor would lecturing and scolding. She believed that making them a stimulant for each other to grow and develop would surely work. 


Imagine what effect aunt carrie's reports about the narrator had on John bullyer.

4.2) Each time Aunt Carrie visited or wrote to the Bullyers, she was sure to report the narrator's achievements or progress.Mrs. Bullyer would read out the letters with such admiration and wonder that John would determine to do better at school. To John, the narrator remained a stimulant all through his childhood and youth.每次嘉莉姨妈去拜访或写信给恃强凌者布雷尔,她一定要报告叙述者的成就或进步。布雷尔读信时,会带着钦佩之情,对约翰决心在学校里做得更好感到惊奇。对约翰来说,叙述者在他的整个童年和青年时代都是一种兴奋剂。

Do you think this prodding is a good way of getting children to work hard? were you ever goaded like that?

3) I think prodding can be a positive stimulant only when children are willing to learn and have the potential to succeed. Besides, parents should be patient and shouldn't expect overnight success. Good results might come only after a long period of time. So this method should be used very carefully, especially with inward-looking children or slow learners. If parents are impatient, they take the risk of making their children give up trying all together.我认为只有当孩子愿意学习并有成功的潜力时,刺激才能成为一种积极的刺激。此外,父母应该有耐心,不应该期望一夜成功。好的结果可能要经过很长一段时间才会出现。所以这种方法应该非常小心地使用,特别是对于内向的孩子或学习缓慢的孩子。如果父母没有耐心,他们会冒着让孩子放弃一起尝试的风险。

5、write a composition of about 150 words on goading-pros and cons

you can use this outline:

1) opening remarks-your view on goading

2)the pros(in what ways it is positive)

3)the cons (in what ways it might be harmful)

4) conclusion

5  Goading, or prodding, is a strategy many parents and teachers adopt to spur children on.
As I see it, it has both pros and cons.



To some extent, this strategy does urge children, especially those who lack confidence, to press forward. When they are compared with their peers who do better, children are motivated to strive for what others have achieved. In the process their talents might well be tapped and brought into full play.在某种程度上,这种策略确实促使孩子们,尤其是那些缺乏自信的孩子,努力向前。当他们与做得更好的同龄人相比时,孩子们会有动力去争取别人已经取得的成就。在这个过程中,他们的才能很可能得到挖掘和充分发挥。

However, when used indiscriminately, the trick of goading could be harmful. If parents and teachers try it in every way, and too often, they might put too much pressure on children. If children are constantly made to feel inferior, they might give up trying to catch up or develop hostile feelings towards their rivals.Besides, when children concentrate on one thing so as to excel they won't develop in an all-round way.然而,如果不加区别地使用,刺激的技巧可能是有害的。如果家长和老师尝试各种方法,而且太频繁,他们可能会给孩子太多的压力。如果孩子们不断地感到自卑,他们可能会放弃追赶或对竞争对手产生敌对情绪。此外,当孩子们只专注于一件事,从而出类拔萃时,他们不会全面发展。

In short, the strategy of goading should be used only occasionally, and it should never be used as the chief means of education. 简而言之,激励策略只能偶尔使用,绝不能作为主要的教育手段。

Lesson Ten On Friendship 192

do you value friendship? why(not)?

4.1) Yes, I do. Man is a social animal living in groups, rather than alone. Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns.At different stages of our lives, we need people, outside the family, who care whether we are happy or miserable, whether we succeed or fail. We want to share with them our hopes, dreams, worries and cares. We need them to encourage us when we feel like giving up. We also need them to bring us back to ourselves when we are carried away by our achievements. Such people are friends. I believe friendship, along with love, makes an imperfect world livable. That's why I crave for friendship as I crave for love and success.是的,我喜欢。人是群居动物,而不是独居动物。人生充满了起起落落、波折。在我们生命的不同阶段,我们需要家人之外的人,他们关心我们是快乐还是痛苦,成功还是失败。我们想与他们分享我们的希望、梦想、忧虑和关心。当我们想要放弃的时候,我们需要他们的鼓励。当我们被自己的成就冲昏头脑时,我们也需要它们让我们恢复自我。这样的人就是朋友。我相信,友谊和爱,让这个不完美的世界变得适宜居住。这就是为什么我渴望友谊就像我渴望爱情和成功一样。

what pattern of friendship do you follow,or what do you make friends for?

(1) to improve your mind as the French do?

(2) to share hopes,fears,and reams as young germans do?

(3) to share activities as the English do?

(4) for any other purposes?

4.2) I make friends with those who have similar values to mire. I don't call people who are engaged in the same activity friends. I think they are fellow students, colleagues, or acquaintances. I want to exchange views with friends and discuss things in depth. We may sometimes do things together, but shared activity is not the basis of our friendship.我和那些与我有相似价值观的人交朋友。我不把参加同样活动的人叫做朋友。我认为他们是同学、同事或熟人。我想和朋友们交换意见,深入讨论。我们有时可能一起做事,但共同的活动不是我们友谊的基础。

what do you think are the rules of friendships in China?

4.3) I think that traditionally devotion is the basis of Chinese friendships. For friends, people are willing to do anything within their power, for instance, to share the last bowl of rice when they themselves are starving. So being abandoned by a friend is regarded as a tragedy while betrayal can turn friends into enemies.我认为传统的奉献精神是中国人友谊的基础。对于朋友,人们愿意在力所能及的范围内做任何事情,例如,当自己饿的时候,分享最后一碗米饭。所以被朋友抛弃是一种悲剧,而背叛会让朋友变成敌人。

what three qualities do you think are the most impartant in a friend?

you can follow outline:

1) introduction(you name these qualities)

2)body(you develop what you have mentioned in the introduction

3)conclusion(you summarize your idea of a friend.

5. Every person we meet can become our friend, but I make friends with those who are honest, loyal and willing to help. I think these qualities are what I expect of a true friend.我们遇到的每一个人都可以成为我们的朋友,但我交朋友的人是诚实、忠诚和愿意帮助的人。我认为这些品质是我对一个真正的朋友所期望的。
Honesty means that friends should be sincere, frank, and confide in each other. A real friend is a mirror to the other person, reflecting both weaknesses and strengths.诚实意味着朋友之间应该是真诚的,坦率的,互相信任的。真正的朋友是对方的一面镜子,能反映出对方的弱点和长处。

I believe that friendship is an ideal human relationship that requires loyalty with no strings attached. This means that nothing can make a person abandon his friends. Rain or shine, friends stay with each other, either to share joys or to face sorrows.我认为友谊是一种理想的人际关系,它要求忠诚,没有任何附加条件。这意味着没有什么能让一个人抛弃他的朋友。无论晴雨,朋友总是相依相伴,或同甘共苦。

Friends are those you can always turn to for help in times of difficulty. They not only lend a helping hand, but set out to tackle your problems as their own.朋友是你在困难时可以寻求帮助的人。他们不仅伸出援助之手,而且把你的问题当成自己的问题来解决。

Such a friend is hard to find; but I agree with Emerson that "The only way to have a friend is to be one.这样的朋友很难找到;但我同意爱默生的那句话:“拥有朋友的唯一方法就是自己先成为朋友。”

