Houses and Apartments (3)
Even if I stay away from the upscale neighborhoods (areas where rich people live), I’d still have to take out a mortgage (borrow money from the bank, in order to buy a house) and it’ll take me more than 30 years to pay it off.即使我远离高档社区(富人居住的地区),我仍然需要拿出抵押贷款(从银行借钱,才能买房),我需要30多年的时间才能还清。
But still, I’m gonna start saving up for a down payment (an initial payment on a big purchase). Someday, when I do move into a new place, I’ll be sure to throw a housewarming party (a party to celebrate living in a new house/apartment). 但是,我仍然要开始为首付存钱(购买的初始付款)。有一天,当我搬进一个新的地方,我一定会举办一个聚会(一个聚会,庆祝住在一个新的房子/公寓)。
Eating (1)
My mother radically changed her eating habits a few years ago. In the past, she ate a lot of junk food (food that is not nutritious/healthy) and was overweight. Sometimes she would try to go on a diet (eat less food and healthier food), but it would never last. But now she understands how unhealthy processed foods are – they’re full of food additives (chemicals added to food) that contribute to weight gain and heart problems. 几年前,我妈妈彻底改变了她的饮食习惯。过去,她吃了很多垃圾食品(营养不高/不健康的食物),而且超重。有时她会尝试节食(少吃食物和更健康的食物),但永远不会持久。但是现在她明白了加工食品是多么不健康——它们富含食品添加剂(添加到食品中的化学物质),这些添加剂会导致体重增加和心脏问题。