



Zachary Davis: To get along in society, we often have to hide our true feelings and just put on a happy face. A neighbor asks you how things are going. On bad days, you might be tempted to say, “Actually, things are rather shitty.” But instead, most of us grin and say, “Pretty good! How are you?” But deep down, our true feelings are still there, dying to be let out. 


Zachary Davis: In her 1847 novel Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë gave us a character who pushed against these cultural norms, refusing to suppress her full humanity.

扎卡里·戴维斯:1847 年,夏洛蒂·勃朗特出版了小说《简·爱》。这部作品中的主人公简,一直试图反抗这些虚伪的习俗,拒绝压抑本性。

Sharon Marcus: In my mind, I was about the age that Jane is when the novel begins, nine or ten when I first encountered this book. And I remember pulling down the book and opening it, and what was so distinctive about it was that it was clearly a grown-up book. It was long, very long. There were no pictures. But the voice at the beginning was this direct voice of a child. The first line is, “There was no possibility of going for a walk that day.” I think I was intrigued, as readers still are today by the emphatic negativity. 


Sharon Marcus: This wasn’t some cheerful child going like, “It was a beautiful morning. The birds were singing, the sun was shining. I was going to go for a walk.” This was about obstacles. Being stymied, everything outside and inside just seems like you're imprisoned and things are grim, So I think the immediacy of the voice, the fact that we're not told right away what color hair Jane has or what kind of dress she was wearing, she's a strong voice asserting a will and a viewpoint, but also a feeling of blockage and of being overcome. And her path in life isn't going to be easy. 


Sharon Marcus: I'm Sharon Marcus. I'm a professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University, where I specialize in Victorian literature. 


Zachary Davis: For most of the 19th century, Queen Victoria ruled over the United Kingdom. She came to the throne in 1837 when she was only 18 years old, and ruled until her death in 1901. 


Zachary Davis: The Victorian era is known for its class rigidity and moral strictness. Charlotte Brontë’s protagonist Jane Eyre chafes against these norms and confronts readers with the question we all face in our lives: when to conform and when to rebel?


Sharon Marcus: I think it speaks to conflicts people have about, are you going to be governed by your head or your heart? Are you going to be autonomous and independent, or are you going to let yourself be vulnerable in the ways that falling in love makes you vulnerable? These are timeless, modern questions, certainly. And Jane Eyre is articulating them in ways that I think appeal to young men and young women today because she doesn't come at them from a super feminine point of view. She's in some ways asking, can I have what men have as a woman? 


Zachary Davis: Welcome to Writ Large, a podcast about how books change the world. I’m Zachary Davis. In each episode, I talk with one of the world’s leading scholars about one book that changed the course of history. For this episode, I sat down with professor Sharon Marcus to discuss Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre.


Zachary Davis: Help us put this literature into context.


Sharon Marcus: When we say Victorian era, we do usually think of certain cliches that, like all cliches, have an element of truth in them, that this was a period of rigid morals, of a certain degree of repression, especially sexual repression, a period where class divisions were very firm and intense, hierarchical, not a lot of class mobility, a lot of poverty. This is the era of the workhouse, the poor house. The poor are considered moral failures. That's an association with this period, there’s this very rigid moral code.


Zachary Davis: This was also a time when there was a very clear distinction between the social roles of women and men. 


Sharon Marcus: It's a period when men and women are, by many people, not all, considered almost separate species—men, the strong protectors who go out to work and compete. Women, the caring, altruistic, nurturing, selfless people who stay at home and take care of everybody. But of course, there's also class distinctions. So there's no sense that this “angel” in the house who was the prototypical Victorian woman, is actually doing manual labor. That was for servants. And it's also a period where almost every even lower middle-class family has some kind of servants. So that's another way that class distinctions are everywhere. 


Zachary Davis: Despite, or perhaps because of, its deep conservatism and class rigidity, the Victorian era was also a time of great change. Industrialization, urbanization and scientific and technological advancement were in full swing.


Sharon Marcus: This is when trains and telegrams and electricity and the underground all are invented starting in the 1840s through the 1870s. 


Sharon Marcus: The Victorian period is what gave us the theory of evolution. It gave us some of the earliest and most successful forms of modern European feminism. Real, legal changes are happening during this period to the status of women. It's the period when women first access higher education. 


Sharon Marcus: Of course, most also very crucial to understanding the Victorian era and Jane Eyre is that it's an era of imperialism. The British are taking over the world. They see themselves as the bearers of civilization and in the name of civilization, perpetrate many, many atrocities. 


Sharon Marcus: And you know, England is a very tiny country that is able, during this era, to see itself as at the center of the world. 


Zachary Davis: The Victorian age, in our reputation, in our kind of cultural memory, feels buttoned down and conservative in certain ways. Yet, of course, it's not surprising that it produced such extraordinary literature because all these changes were happening and raising new questions. So, why don't we begin with Charlotte Brontë's life? So what was her childhood information like? How did she become the person that wrote this text?


Sharon Marcus: So Charlotte Brontë is born before the Victorian era begins, she's born in 1816. She was one of the older children, though not the oldest, in a family of minister’s children. Her father was from Ireland but was an Anglican minister in northern England. So in the Yorkshire area of England. 


Zachary Davis: Brontë grew up about 200 miles north of London. Her childhood home is known as Haworth Parsonage—Haworth indicating the town, and parsonage meaning the home of a minister. 


Zachary Davis: The Brontë family was somewhat physically isolated from the wider world, but culturally they stayed in the loop. The family subscribed to magazines and newspapers from larger nearby cities such as Leeds and Manchester.  


Sharon Marcus: It was a period where print culture was expanding a lot. And just as today the Internet gives people in even the most remote locations a sense of the pulse of change and what's happening right now, so too in its own way, in the 1820s and 30s, did periodical magazines, which came out monthly and weekly, give people like the Brontës who were stuck up in Yorkshire a sense of all the latest publications, poetry, fashions, art exhibits, scientific discoveries, political developments, news of the World.


Zachary Davis: Brontë grew up in a large family, but tragically, it didn’t stay large for long. Her mother died when Brontë was just five years old. A few years later, her two older sisters died from tuberculosis. 


Sharon Marcus: She grew up surrounded by death. Her childhood home, the parsonage, was literally right next door to the town cemetery because cemeteries are next to churches and the parsonage was next to the church. Because she was the child of a minister, she certainly grew up in a very literate and rhetorical culture. You know, the Bible was regular readings, but so was Shakespeare. So were the great British poets. And of course, her father gave weekly sermons. 


Sharon Marcus: One of the most notable things about Charlotte Brontë's childhood was that she and her sister Emily and her sister Anne and her brother Branwell, formed this quartet that then broke up into two duos of endless, endless childhood writing. 


Zachary Davis: The family’s semi-isolated location provided the perfect environment for developing writers. 


Sharon Marcus: The four younger siblings, with Charlotte as the oldest and leader in many ways of that group, were writing serial fiction. I think Game of Thrones would be a good analogy to give you a sense of what the stories were like. It was fantasy worlds with ongoing wars, political intrigue, weird sex things happening. And they wrote in microscopic handwriting and then would sew these things into books, sometimes these ongoing stories of the adventures of these protagonists in these lands that they named Angria and Gondal. 


Zachary Davis: In addition to entertainment, literature also provided a necessary escape for the four young Brontës.


Sharon Marcus: I think that everyone in the family was intensely private and introverted. And so even though they were in a small house and all on top of each other, I think that reading and writing became a way for each of them to achieve a certain kind of privacy and selfhood. There is a sense that through reading you would become the person that you truly were, and that reading was an encounter of your imagination with the imaginations of others.


Zachary Davis: Charlotte’s time writing with her siblings was, in a sense, her literary schooling. In her teens, she attended Roe Head School and continued writing novellas and poems. It was almost impossible for women to pursue higher education at the university level in England at this time, so when she was 19, she went to work as a governess for a wealthy family, teaching and tutoring their children. But she never abandoned her true passion.


Sharon Marcus: She was very determined to be a writer, a published writer, and a paid writer. 


Zachary Davis: In the 1840s, Charlotte and her sisters Emily and Anne self-published a collection of their poetry.  


Sharon Marcus: It is kind of extraordinary that you have this family where Emily writes Wuthering Heights, another archetypal classic, Charlotte writes Jane EyreShirley, and Villette, and Anne wrote two, also very excellent novels that really today probably only specialists would read, but they hold up. Emily and Anne decided to self-publish Wuthering Heights and a novel that Anne wrote called Agnes Gray because they couldn't get anyone to publish their books.


Zachary Davis: Because they were women or because people didn't think this kind of story would work?


Sharon Marcus: We might be tempted today to think that gender was the reason that the Brontës had such trouble publishing their first works. That would not be accurate for a couple of reasons. First of all, novel writing was one of the few areas in Victorian England where women were just as successful as men. Novel writing was, in fact, associated with women in many ways. 


Sharon Marcus: But the other reason we would be mistaken to think that gender was the main reason that the Brontë sisters couldn't get published is because they were worried that gender would prevent them from getting published. Not so much because women couldn't get published, but because they felt that they didn't write like other women, that they weren't as proper and restrained and polite as women were expected to be. 


Zachary Davis: So, each sister adopted a pseudonym.


Sharon Marcus: Charlotte became Currer, Emily became Ellis, and Anne became Acton. And most people thought that the author, the authors of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre were men because the writing was so robust because the characters were so uncouth and unrestrained. I mean, the Brontës weren’t wrong about how their writing was different, I would say not only from that of other women but just different from the writing of the time. 


Zachary Davis: But unlike her sisters, Charlotte didn’t want to self publish her novel. She felt confident that she could get a proper publishing deal. 


Sharon Marcus: So she sent the manuscript of Jane Eyre around to dozens of publishers, it kept getting rejected. She finally sent it to a fairly important publisher in London, Smith and Elder, in a package that showed all the other presses that had rejected it because paper was not in abundant supply. So she just kept wrapping it up again after receiving it back from a publisher with a rejection note. 


Sharon Marcus: And the story goes that the in-house reader really liked it, gave it to the head editor who started it, and then canceled all his appointments and read it straight through. He just couldn't stop reading it. They felt that they had a winning book on their hands and they did. Jane Eyre was published in October 1847. It was in a third edition by April of 1848, which is not usual at the time. Not that many books in the entire 19th century had that kind of success. 


Zachary Davis: Brontë’s pen name fooled most readers, and even the publishers. 


Sharon Marcus: People debated the gender of the author. Most came down on the side of it being a man. The publishers certainly thought they were dealing with a man, but a set of misunderstandings that included attributing Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey to the author of Jane Eyre made Charlotte reveal herself. She actually went to London and just revealed herself to the publisher. She had a bit of a flair for drama, despite being in appearance, a little mousy and demure, a bit like her heroine, Jane Eyre, who's small and little and pale, but flares up a lot. 


Sharon Marcus: And at that point, she tried to keep her identity secret for a while, but it didn't last. And so eventually, not long after the book was published, people knew a woman had written it and they knew that woman was Charlotte Brontë. 


Zachary Davis: The success of Jane Eyre put Brontë on the map and gave her the freedom to keep writing, knowing that her novels would be published, paid for, and read.


Sharon Marcus: Right after Jane Eyre, she wrote a novel called Shirley that was actually about industrialization in northern England. And her last novel, Villette, is about a young woman with no relatives who goes to Belgium and becomes a teacher. Charlotte Brontë then married, relatively late in life, her father's curate, and in 1855 died, most likely because of complications due to pregnancy. So she died quite young. She died at age 39, but she certainly made her mark and achieved literary immortality with Jane Eyre.


Zachary Davis: Take us through the general arc of the story, the characters, and in your view, what was it that worked so well?  


Sharon Marcus: The first act is Jane is a child, an orphan in a wealthy relative's household where she's unwanted, unloved, and I think by today's standards, certainly physically and emotionally abused. 


Sharon Marcus: In the beginning of the novel, we see her attacked by her horrible older cousin, John, and thrown into a red room where she sees a vision of her dead uncle. 


Sharon Marcus: And a really important thing happens in the very first part of the book, which is she denounces her aunt for mistreating her. And this is one of the first but not last times in Jane Eyre, where an oppressed and somewhat timid, but also fiercely feeling protagonist, rises up and speaks truth to power and says to her aunt, “You don't treat me fairly. I hate you. I'll always hate you.” So it's very passionate. It's not a reasoned denunciation, but it's kind of intense for a 9, or 10-year-old child to be speaking to an adult this way. And it's one of the things that makes the book compelling, I think right from the start. 


Sharon Marcus: The aunt sends her to a school. So now we're in the next phase of Jane's life. She's still 9 or 10. She's in a school called Lowood. There's no heat, there's no food, everybody's starving. They can't wash because the water in their jugs has frozen overnight. There's, again, a sense of the overwhelming unfairness of adult authorities. 


Sharon Marcus: Then we fast forward and Jane's now 18 and she's become quite accomplished. She can draw very well. She knows some French. She has all the skills she would need to be able to teach the children of rich people who keep their girls at home to be educated or who don't send their sons off to school right away, she could be a governess. And she decides she's restless and she just wants to leave the school and see a bit of the world.


Sharon Marcus: So she decides to advertise, a lot of initiative on her part, just like, “I'm going to put in an ad and say, like, yeah, I'm looking for work.” And she gets a position at a place called Thornfield. So now we begin the next act of Jane's life. 


Sharon Marcus: At Thornfield, there's a period where she meets the young French girl that she is the governess of, Adell, but she feels very isolated and alone. There aren't a lot of people at Thornfield. There isn't really anyone for her to talk to. She climbs to the top of the house and stands on the roof and thinks about how she still hasn't really found the arena for her desire for activity, to see the world, to experience things. 


Zachary Davis: But then one day while Jane is out for a walk, she sees a man riding by on a horse. She sees him fall off the horse and rushes over to help. It turns out that this man is Mr. Rochester, and he runs Thornfield. 


Sharon Marcus: The core of the book now, is launched: a romance between Mr. Rochester, brooding, a bit capricious, kind of a character, not conventionally handsome, but powerfully built, and Jane, his employee. 


Sharon Marcus: There's an undercurrent also in Thornfield Hall of mystery because there's a woman who lives on the top floor of Thornfield Hall named Grace Poole, who rarely appears but often makes these strange noises in the night. And often when Jane is feeling restless or anxious is when we get an episode having to do with Grace Poole. 


Sharon Marcus: And once Rochester comes back, Grace Poole becomes much more of a scary presence. She tries to burn Rochester in his bed. Someone comes to visit and then goes up to the third floor at night and Grace Poole bites him and attacks him with a knife. So there's this violent, crazy lady on the top floor, the proverbial madwoman in the attic. And we don't know who she is or why she's there. Or what she has to do with Mr. Rochester. 


Sharon Marcus: In the meantime, Mr. Rochester falls in love with Jane. Jane falls in love with him. There's, you know, some back and forth, but they declare their love and he proposes marriage.


Sharon Marcus: They're ready to marry. Grace Poole pops into Jane's room the night before the wedding and tears her veil in half. And Jane's a little freaked out, but they just all toddle off to the church which is not that far from Thornfield Hall, and the minister says, “If anybody knows why these two should not be united in wedlock, speak now or forever, hold your peace.” And someone says, “They can't get married. Mr. Rochester is already married.” 


Sharon Marcus: Rochester starts gnashing his teeth because he's the kind of ironic hero who gnashes his teeth when he's upset. Jane's in shock. They go back to Thornfield Hall, up to that third floor. And it turns out Grace Poole is actually the caretaker of Rochester's wife and the woman who's been burning people in their beds and stabbing them and biting them is his wife, Bertha. Bertha Mason is her maiden name. And interestingly, she tends to get referred to as Bertha Mason rather than Bertha Rochester, even though Rochester did marry her. 


Sharon Marcus: Rochester tells the story of how he was tricked into marrying a woman who was mentally ill but wasn't told that she was mentally ill. And then he says, “But the problem wasn't that. I would have taken care of her, it was that she was also sexually profligate, degenerate.” 


Sharon Marcus: So he then proposes to Jane that she become his mistress. He says, “Look, I'm sorry. I just love you so much, I didn't think it would be such a problem. I don't consider myself married. I would follow my own law.” He's a bit of a romantic hero, not wanting to be constrained by convention. And he proposes that Jane go abroad with him and they just act as though they were married. And this poses a real conflict for Jane. She has to decide whether to follow her heart or her reason, whether to go with passion or stick with judgment. 


Zachary Davis: Jane decides that she has to maintain her self-respect and not give in to passion. She doesn’t feel confident that Rochester will continue to be with her if they’re not married, so she makes the difficult decision to not be his mistress.  


Sharon Marcus: She then sneaks off in the morning, even though it breaks her heart. She's desperately in love with him. She does not want to cause him pain. And he's made very clear that it will be very painful to him if she leaves him. She doesn't take any of the clothes that he's bought her. She just leaves with a little bit of money and she then goes into a carriage, gets carried far away, and then for three days wanders around, barely able to eat. And so this is a moment in the novel where she undergoes a real, almost a spiritual death and rebirth. She is freezing. She doesn't know who to turn to. She once again experiences herself as completely bereft and alone. But eventually she's taken in by two sisters and their brother who see something in her that makes them think that she's not just a crazy or criminal beggar. 

莎朗·马克斯:第二天一大早,简悄悄地离开了庄园。简根本无法割舍对罗切斯特的爱,她十分痛苦;她不希望为罗切斯特带来任何痛苦,因为罗切斯特明确说过,简的离开会令他痛不欲生,她选择悄悄离开。简没有带走任何罗切斯特为她买的衣服,只是拿了一点点钱,登上一辆马车。接下来的几天时间里,简流落街头,风餐露宿。这一段故事里,简经历了精神上的死亡和重生。她快冻僵了,却不知可以向谁求助。 她再一次体验到被抛弃的孤独感。但最终她被三位兄妹收留,他们注意到了简的衣着和气质,不同于一般疯癫的、鬼祟的乞丐。

Sharon Marcus: They find her work. And then, and this is a bit of a fairy tale twist in Jane Eyre, it turns out she's related to them, they’re cousins, and not only that, but through them, she finds out that her one remaining living relative who lived in Madeira has died and made her his heir so that she now has quite a bit of money, enough money to be independent for the rest of her life. She shares it with them. And this part of the book takes up quite a lot of space and people tend to forget about it, but it's important. 


Sharon Marcus: For the first time in her life, she has a family and she has financial independence without having to work for others under circumstances that are somewhat humiliating. And most people agree that being a governess was a very, very unhappy lot in life and that working conditions tended to be terrible for governances. Her male cousin is planning to become a missionary, a Christian missionary in India, and he starts training her to join him and he proposes marriage, but he makes very clear he doesn't really love her. 


Sharon Marcus: So if earlier Jane had to choose reason and self-respect and the rule of law over passion, now she has to turn down something that's all convention and all judgment with no passion. She keeps resisting marrying her cousin because she knows that she doesn't love him and he doesn't love her. And in many ways, the book is about the struggle to reconcile feeling and reason. She's being kind of hassled by her cousin to just finally agree to marry him and she all of a sudden hears Rochester calling her name. 


Sharon Marcus: She leaves the next day, she goes back to Thornfield. She finds that Thornfield has burnt down. She learns that during the fire, Bertha runs up to the roof of Thornfield and is running around madly, and then Rochester runs up there to try to save her, and Bertha runs away from him and leaps off the roof and falls to her death. She learns that Bertha set the entire house on fire and that in attempting to rescue her and other people in the house, Rochester got blinded and lost the use of one of his arms. 


Sharon Marcus: She goes to find him. He's in a much smaller house. They redeclare their love. And of course, now he's free to marry because his wife has died. There is one thing that we need to understand when we read the book now: it was very hard to get divorced at this time and you could not divorce your spouse for reasons of insanity. That was specifically noted in the law. But now they are free to marry and they marry famously. Jane says, “Reader, I married him.” And they do live happily ever after.

莎朗·马克斯:罗切斯特火灾后搬到了一个小房子,简找到了他。他们又一次确认了彼此的感情。罗切斯特的妻子死了,他们可以正大光明地结婚了。这里有一个背景信息我们需要了解,在当时离婚几乎是不可能的,你不能因为精神疾病而要求和配偶离婚,这是法律明文规定的。伯莎的离世,给了简和罗切斯特结婚的自由。 简说:“读者们,我嫁给他了。” 简和罗切斯特从此过上了幸福的生活。

Zachary Davis: So how was this read? How was it read at the time? and. You know, how has it been read by literary interpreters till today? 


Sharon Marcus: Everybody who reviewed Jane Eyre immediately recognized that they were dealing with an unusual work of enormous power. Most of them thought the book was really excellent and extraordinary. There were some critics, notably a woman named Lady Eastlake, who found the book really quite off-putting. She said that Jane personified an unregenerate and undisciplined spirit, accused her of being proud and ungrateful. It was almost as though Jane's Aunt Reed had written the review. But even Lady Eastlake ended up saying, “It's still a remarkable book.”  


Sharon Marcus: So, you know, right away people recognized that they were dealing with an unusually gifted author. The novel came out around 1848, just before 1848, a year of revolutions, and I think having a female character who expressed sort of revolutionary sentiments really ended up fitting with the time at Queen Victoria called Jane Eyre “...that intensely interesting novel.” 


Zachary Davis: Since its initial publication, Jane Eyre has never gone out of print.


Sharon Marcus: The Brontës had their Victorian fans. Virginia Woolf wrote essays about the Brontës, famously compared Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë and said, “You know, the thing about Jane Austen is she's got a lot of control over herself, her writing, her novelistic worlds, Charlotte's too angry. Charlotte Brontë is too angry.” And Virginia Woolf was pretty angry about a lot of stuff, so that was kind of intense. And I think that set a little bit of a tone for decades to come, that Charlotte Brontë was this fiery, angry writer. And so when in general, I would say, in the middle decades of the 20th century, a lot of great women writers stopped being taught in universities—Jane Austen, George Eliot, even certainly the Brontës, they started getting taught more in the 70s. 


Sharon Marcus: The interest in the novel, I would say, falls into two related schools of thought that both have to do with the novel's relationship to feminism. So the book is seen as a feminist classic, and it's also seen as a very important sight of the limits of white feminism. So what makes Jane Eyre a feminist classic? Well, let's call it a white feminist classic, a classic, a first wave white feminism, which begins around the 1840s in England and the United States especially. 


Sharon Marcus: It features an angry, outspoken woman, which to this day you don't see that much of in our culture really, if you think about it. A lot of the examples of women certainly in the 19th century were caretakers. If you contrast Jane Eyre to the female characters in most Dickens novels, they're either victim prostitutes like Nancy in Oliver Twist,or they're extremely idealised figures who just give and give and give and smile and don't ask for anything because it's so great to just give of themselves all the time. And here's Jane Eyre, who's pissed off, who wants more, who goes up to the top of Thornfield Roof and says, “Anyone blame me who likes, but I wanted more than I had.”


Sharon Marcus: And she's got a good job and a fancy house with this cute little French girl who doesn't even make too many demands on her. And she still wants more. And she goes on to outline a sort of feminist manifesto where she says you know, “Girls want the same things that their brothers do.” And what she means by that is she says, “They want freedom and they want an arena for action. We want to do something.” 

莎朗·马克斯:作为法国小女孩阿黛尔的家庭教师,简有一份稳定的工作,也有可以遮风挡雨的住所。阿黛尔也没有严格地要求简。但简不满足于此。她的宣言极富女权主义色彩,她说:“女孩需要和男孩一样的东西。” 她的意思是,“我们需要自由,需要大展拳脚的舞台,需要发挥才华的机会。”

Zachary Davis: Jane Eyre has been translated about 700 times into at least 59 languages. 


Sharon Marcus: Jane Eyre has been adapted into film many, many times. It's actually hilarious because the novel emphasises so much how plain she is, and the world of film, which has been so influential globally, refuses to look at women unless they're beautiful. So these movies are made where plain unattractive Jane is cast with these actresses who, I don't even know if we're supposed to believe that they're not incredibly gorgeous. 


Sharon Marcus: They're not wearing a lot of makeup. But Joan Fontaine, Charlotte Gainsbourg, nobody has ever dared make a film version of Jane Eyre, where Jane really isn't pretty in some way. But Jane Eyre has been adapted into a film quite regularly. So it's constantly being reimagined for a new generation. 


Zachary Davis: In Jane Eyre, Brontë gave us a robust, layered character who fully embraces her complexity. She’s crabby, difficult, and gets depressed. But she’s also smart and passionate. And she claims the right to love and be loved because she is all these things—fully human.  

扎卡里·戴维斯:在《简·爱》中,勃朗特塑造了一个充满活力、性格丰满的角色,她坦然接受了自己性格中的多样性。 她脾气暴躁,难以相处,郁郁寡欢,她也很聪明,对生活充满热情。 她一直在争取爱和被爱的权利,她认为这是她作为一个人的必要权利。

Sharon Marcus: There is a constant sense in our culture and certainly in Victorian culture as well, that a woman's main claim to being loved was to be physically attractive, and that a woman who wasn't physically attractive was just not going to be loved and was going to be alone. And Jane claims the right to love and be loved just by virtue of being human. 


Zachary Davis:Writ Large is a production of Ximalaya. Writ Large is produced by Jack Pombriant, and me, Zachary Davis. Script editing is by Galen Beebe. We get help from Feiran Du, Ariel Liu, and Monica Zhang. Our theme song is by Ian Coss. Don’t miss an episode. Subscribe today in the Ximalaya app. Thanks for listening. See you next time.


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