E30 牛局长不相信Judy和Nick
“I can tell you’re tense, so I’m just gonna give you a little personal space,” Nick said to Manchas.
Nick对Manchas说 :“看得出来你很紧张,所以我给你点私人空间吧!”
Manchas struggled angrily, knocking Nick and Judy over the edge of the walkway.
Judy grabbed on to a vine with one arm and struggled to hold Nick with her other.
As the two dangled over the canopy, Nick looked at the bottomless abyss below.
他俩在森林上空 晃荡起来,Nick忍不住看了一眼下面深不见底的山谷。
Judy’s mind raced as she tried to figure out what to do next.
Judy的 脑子飞快地转动着,她在想下一步应该怎么办。
“Rabbit, whatever you do, do not let go!” shouted Nick.
“I’m gonna let go!” said Judy.
Nick叫道 :“兔子,不管怎样,你可千万别撒手!”Judy说 :“我就要撒手啦!”
“No...you what? You must have misunderstood me. I said don’t—”
“One, two,” Judy said, counting off as she started them swinging.
She let go and swung them over to a net made of vines. It supported their weight for a moment.
But then—snap! The vines broke and they plummeted toward the ground!
Luckily, a cluster of vines had gotten tangled around their legs and stopped them right before they hit the rainforest floor.
Sirens rang out as a convoy of police cars screeched to a halt.
Out of one stepped Chief Bogo. Judy smiled.
The cavalry had arrived!
“Well, this should be good,” said Bogo as he stared at Judy and Nick, who hung upside down, suspended from vines, in front of him.
Judy和Nick倒挂在藤蔓上,警长站在他们面前看着他俩说道 :“嗯,这感觉真不错!”
Judy confidently led the cops up to the canopy.
“I thought this was just a missing mammal case, but it’s way bigger. Mr. Otterton did not just disappear. I believe he and this jaguar...they went savage, sir.”
Bogo scoffed. “Savage? This isn’t the Stone Age, Hopps. Animals don’t go savage.”
牛局长揶揄道 :“发狂?现在不是石器时代好吗,动物是不会发狂的。”
“I thought so, too, until I saw this.” Judy turned the corner where she had handcuffed Manchas— but he was gone! Even the handcuffs had vanished.
“He was right here,” she said, confused.
Judy疑惑不解地说道 :“他刚刚就在这儿的!”
“The ‘savage’ jaguar,” said Bogo, scoffing once again.
牛局长接着揶揄道 :“就是那只‘发狂’的美洲虎?”
“Sir, I know what I saw. He almost killed us,” said Judy.
“Or maybe an aggressive predator looks savage to you rabbits,” Bogo said.
牛局长说 :“在你们兔子看来,也许稍微凶一点的捕食者都像发狂一样吧。”
He called out to the other officers, “Let’s go.”
然后他对着其他警察说 :“我们走吧!”
“Wait—sir, I’m not the only one who saw him!” Judy called to Nick, but before he could explain,
Bogo said, “You think I’m going to believe a fox?”
牛局长便说道 :“你觉得我会去相信一只狐狸吗?”
“Well, he was a key witness, and I enlisted his services,” Judy said.
Judy说 :“他是重要的目击证人,是我找他帮忙的。”
Bogo shook his head, annoyed.
牛局长摇了摇头,生气地说 :
“Two days to find the otter...or you quit...that was the deal. Badge,” he said, waiting for her to hand her badge over.
Nick watched Judy stare at Bogo’s outstretched hand.
“Sir, we...”
“Badge,” said Bogo firmly.
牛局长坚定地说 :“警徽。”
1.walkway n. 步道,走道
2.vine n. 藤蔓
3.bottomless adj. 深不可测的
4.abyss n. 深渊
5.plummet v. 从一个地方飞速落下
the plane plummets 飞机下坠
the prices plummet 股票的暴跌
the spirits plummet 心情往下沉
6.tangle v./n. 使…缠绕在一起
Long hair tangles easily. 长头发容易打结
a tangle of wires 乱作一团的充电线
a tangle of branches 路边缠作一团的树枝
7.convoy n. 车队,船队
8.cavalry n. 骑兵
9.scoff v. 嘲笑
10. key adj. 关键的
key factor 关键要素
key person 关键人物
key role 关键角色
1. personal space 私人空间
2. This should be good. 这下可有好戏看了。
3. the Stone Age 石器时代