


Now this wood where Lysander was to meet Hermia, and where Helena and Demetrius followed them, was full of fairies. On this night in the wood were the King and Queen of the fairies, Oberon and Titania. Fairies are very wise, but now and then they can be quite as foolish as mortals. Oberon and Titania, who had all the reasons to live happily, often threw away their joy in a foolish quarrel. They never met without saying cruel things to each other, and scolded each other so dreadfully that all the little fairy followers would creep into acorn cups and hide.
So, instead of dancing all through the night in the moonlight as fairies should,the King wandered through one part of the wood with his attendants, while the Queen with hers wandered through the other. The cause of all this trouble was a little Indian boy whom Titania had taken as one of her followers. Oberon wanted the boy to follow him and be one of his fairy knights, but the Queen refused to give him up. On this particular night, in a mossy moonlit glade, the King and Queen of the fairies met.
“Here we meet again, proud Titania. ”said the King.
“What, jealous Oberon?" answered the
Queen. "You spoil everything with your quarreling. Come, fairies, let us leave him. I am not friends with him anymore.""It is up to you to stop our quarrel." said the King. "Give me that little Indian boy, and I will be your humble servant and suitor once again.”
“Just give up now, will you?"said the Queen. "Your whole fairy kingdom cannot buy that boy from me. Come, fairies."
She and her fairy train rode off down the moonbeams.
“You can leave," said Oberon, "but I'll get even with you before you leave this wood."

