Day77 带读训练 Michelangelo - artist and man

Day77 带读训练 Michelangelo - artist and man

In '150'8, 'Julius gave Miche'langelo↗ the most 'challenging↗ as'signment↗ of his ‘life—to 'paint↗ the ∨ceiling of the ∨Sistine 'Chapel↘.The nearly '6,000 'square↗-foot ceiling↗ was an e'normous 'undertaking↘.And over the 'next↗ 'four↗ 'years, Miche'langelo would 'labor↗ to the 'point↗ of ex'haustion on the 'project↘.A 'different artist 'might↗ have decided to 'rush 'through the com'mission,doing 'just↗ enough to get ∨by so he could re'turn to 'work↗ of his 'own 'choosing↘.But 'once↗ he 'knew he could 'not↗ escape the 'ceiling,Miche'langelo became de'termined to cre'ate 'images that would con'firm↗ his 'lofty 'vision↗ of his 'own↗ 'talents / and do 'justice↗ to the 'glory↗ of ‘God↘.

S'tanding, 'not↗ ∨lying as 'legend would have it↗ for 'hours at a ∨time on a s'caffolding↗ '70↗ feet in the 'air↗ was a 'grueling↗ 'physical 'trial↘.'Finally, on No'vember '1st, '15'12, Miche'langelo's cre'ation↗ was re'vealed↗ to the 'world↘.The re'sult↗ was mi'raculous↘.In an 'un'paralleled dis'play↗ of 'physical 'effort↗ and ar'tistic s'kill,the 'surface of the 'ceiling had been covered↗ with '33 panels, con'taining↗ more than '300 'painted↗ 'figures↘.Miche'langelo 'Buona'rroti had 'sacrificed 'four↗ 'years of his life for 'art, and in the 'process, brought 'art to 'life↘.A'gainst↗ his 'will,the 'greatest↗ s'culptor of the ∨age had be'come↗ the 'greatest↗ ∨painter as 'well↘.At the 'age↗ of '37, he was 'hailed↗ by his con'temporaries↗ as “the Di'vine↗ Miche’langelo”↘
