(带文稿) 2021年1月山东高考英语听力真题 (1)

(带文稿) 2021年1月山东高考英语听力真题 (1)


(Text 1)
M: Hi Sally! This is Joe.
W: Hi Joe!
M: We’re planning a surprise party for Susanna this Friday. She is retiring this month. Would you like to come?
W: Sure, come in.

(Text 2)
W: I think you should try hard to get that job. You should do careful research to prepare for the interview.
M: Thanks. But I’ve changed my mind. Why should I go to these job interviews? I’d like to be my own boss.

(Text 3)
M: Excuse me. I’m sorry that this book was due yesterday
W: That’s okay. You know you need to pay a fine for that, right? That’s one dollar and fifty cents total.

(Text 4)
M: Hello!
W: Can I help you with anything?
M: Er… Yes. I’m here to see the flat. I saw your ad about a room for rent.
W: Oh, you’ve come to the wrong door. The flat for rent is one floor up.

(Text 5)
M: Does your Grandma still live in your hometown?
W: Yes. She says she can take care of herself though her hearing is going. She loved to have her children go back and stay with her. But she wouldn’t come to live with us.
M: That’s typical of people of her age.

(Text 6)
M: Come on. It’s time to go. We promised Mom not to be late.
W: Just hold your horses. What’s the hurry anyway?
M: Well, I’ve to get to stop and put gas in the car first.
W: That won’t take long.
M: Well, it won’t if there is no line there.
W: But I’m not quite ready.
M: I’ll give you five more minutes. Then I’m going on without you. W: You wouldn’t do that to me.
M: Oh, yes, I would.

(Text 7)
M: Hello, Sophia!
W: Simon, I owe you an apology. I shouldn’t have said nothing and left the party suddenly. You know, I was in such a hurry that I nearly knocked over the table with glasses of wine.
M: Oh, forget it. Jashar told me your dad had an accident. How is he now?
W: Much better. He hurt his knee in his office and he’s now at home. He will have his last appointment with the doctor next Monday. I guess he’ll be able to get back to work soon.

(Text 8)
W: Hi Jim. How are you?
M: Hi Tracy. Why are you carrying so much books? Do you need any help?
W: No, thanks. I’m going to the library to return them. It’s not far away. I’ve just finished my term paper for my world history class. How are you doing?
M: Not bad. Very busy, though. I just got off work. I’m about to get something to eat.
W: I hear you’ve changed your job. Where are you working now?
M: ABC Company as a computer programmer. It’s a good job but a bit difficult for me now. It requires a lot of work.
W: Well, I’m sure you can manage. Now I’d better let you go get some food.
M: Yeah. It’s great seeing you again.

(Text 9)
W: Good evening. This is Meeting Artists. Our guest today is James Patric Commb, the happy artist. Mr. Commb is famous for his colorful murals that is pictures painted on the world. Welcome Happy. Our audience is curious about how you got your name.
M: My initials are JP. In Spanish, they’re pronounced “jota pe”. And my Mexican friends called me so when we were in Mexico.
W: What inspired you to become an artist?
M: My father was an oil painting artist. He used to work in the living room. One day when I was six, I put some paint and wanna his painting when he was out. First, he was mad. Then he left. That was all it took to make me an artist.
W: How do you describe your work?
M: My work speaks to the five-year-olds in all of us that we become experienced when we grow up. We’re always five years old at heart. We all want to have fun.
W: That’s a unique idea, which is why your art is so special. Thank you very much for coming Happy and for bringing us so much happiness.

(Text 10)
W: Good morning, welcome to the language center of our university. We aim at helping people improve their language ability in several languages. Now our focus on one of our programs — the English training program, which I think you might be interested in. The program offers year-round English courses in eight levels from beginning to advanced. It offers a wide variety of courses for students, scholars, and professionals. Participants can prepare for study at an American university, improve their language skills and knowledge of U.S. culture needed for their jobs. The strength of the program is its ability to offer courses that are specially designed to meet any student’s specific needs and goals. More students in this program study full-time which consists of twenty hours a week. On the first day of the program, you’ll take a test to determine your level. At the end of each seven-week session, your language skills are evaluated. And if you’ve made enough progress, you’re promoted to the next level. In addition, you can enter the language center bonus project, which will allow you to have extra English hours with a native speaker. For more practice chances, there are also several social activities and field trips organized by the Students Center.

