The Beauty of Libraries 图书馆之美

The Beauty of Libraries 图书馆之美





Hello! Good evening! 晚上好!I’m so happy to see you. I’m 树华, and it’s almost time to say goodnight.


But first, let’s have a chat.


Yangyang, on Ximalaya, asked me about libraries. Are theydifferent in China and the USA?


Hmm. I love libraries, but I haven’t been to very manylibraries in China. I’ve been to the Guangzhou Library, and a few university libraries,but that’s it. They seemed similar to the university libraries I’ve seen in theUS, but I’m not an expert. I really can’t compare American libraries and Chineselibraries. But what I can do is share with you the reasons why I lovelibraries.


When I was a kid, our class would go to the town librarysometimes. It always felt strange. It was so quiet, and so serious. We couldn’tplay or laugh or even talk, but the funny thing was, the grown-ups couldn’ttalk either. In a way, everyone was equal. Everyone had to work together tokeep the library quiet.


You know, the reason libraries are quiet is because peoplewant to read. They want to learn. Isn’t that wonderful? It’s a place whereeveryone has to be respectful of learning. Sometimes, in school, it feels likelearning is only something that children do. After all, the grown ups at schoolaren’t students. They don’t have to do homework or take tests. But really,learning is for everyone, no matter how old.


So, you see, the most important thing I learned in a librarywasn’t in a book. It was in the silence. That silence reminds me that we’re alltrying to be better. We should be remember that, and be respectful, and helpeach other.


What about you? Do you like libraries?


I want to know, but now it’s time to say goodnight. So,goodnight!


  • 邢小红哎呀呀


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @邢小红哎呀呀: 哎呦喂!我没看过这样的图书馆哦,这些父母们太机智了太机智了

  • 小艺小技

    I like the library, too. My home is near the National Library. If I visit a city, I must visit its library, just as I must visit its museum.

  • 岁月静好花盛开

    Yes , learning is for everyone, no matter how old.

  • 洋洋_kF6

    I like the books in the library. But among all the libraries I have been to there are some improvements to be done. So I always lend books back home and expect an ideal library in the future.

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @洋洋_kF6: Libraries have to change, because the world is changing. People use computers and phones more, and books less. I am very curious to see what libraries will be like in the future!

  • Annazuo

    It’s an interesting topic. I usually went to the library when I was in university, and I often borrowed books from the Capital Library which is not far away from my home. I enjoyed it very much. but now ...everything is changing.

  • 凉夏夕空

    The first time I saw the Guangzhou library , I knew I decided to stay this city or this province for my new beginning。So eight years has passed since I lived here。How time flies!

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @凉夏夕空: Wow! The library convinced you to stay in Guangzhou? That's amazing! I'm glad you like it there!

  • 老姜_cj

    I like libraries too

  • 雨溪静岩
