



1. lamb /læm/ 羔羊, 小羊

2. passer-by /ˈpæsəˌbaɪ/ 过路人

3. ancient /'eɪnʃ(ə)nt/ 古代的;古老的


1. Here sheep were kept out on the hills all year round, and lambs were born as early as December.

2. On a high piece of land one of these huts stood inside a little circle of trees, which kept it out of the icy wind and also hidden from any passers-by. 

3. The south window gave a view of three ancient stones, built in the shape of a doorway. 


1. In Marlbury Downs, when were the lambs born?
A. They would be born at any time of the year.
B. As early as December.
C. As early as November.

2. In order to keep a careful eye on the sheep, shepherds often used _____ where they could rest and keep warm.
A. solid cottages
B. natural caves
C. small wheeled huts 

3. What could be seen through the north window?
A. The Devil's Door.
B. Eight hundred sheep.
C. Three ancient stones.

4. What was the boy's attitude towards the shepherd?
A. He detested the shepherd.
B. He respected the shepherd.
C. He was scared of the shepherd.

5. What did the boy see when he looked out of the south window?
A. A man standing in front of the stones.
B. The clock at Shakeforest Towers.
C. Some new-born lambs.



1. 题目问的是“在马尔博瑞丘陵,山上的羊羔什么时候会出生?”,根据原文,这里的山上一年四季都放牧着羊群,而这里的羊羔早在每年的12月便会出生(对应原文:Here sheep were kept out on the hills all year round, and lambs were born as early as December.)。故选B。

2. 题目问的是“为了照料羊群,牧羊人们通常在哪里取暖?”,根据原文,他们通常待在一种带轮子的小屋里,以便在照料羊群的同时能休息和取暖(对应原文:Shepherds needed to be on the hills day and night at this time of year, and often used small wheeled huts where they could rest and keep warm, while keeping a careful eye on the sheep.)。故选C。

3. 题目问的是“北面的窗户望出去可以看到什么?”,根据原文,从北面的窗户望出去可以看到牧羊人看管的八百头羊(对应原文:The north one looked out on the eight hundred sheep which were in the shepherd's care)。故选B。

4. 题目问的是“男孩对于牧羊人的态度如何?”,根据原文,他有些害怕牧羊人和他的粗棍子(对应原文:'N — no, master,' replied the boy, who was a little frightened of the shepherd and his heavy stick.)。故选C。

5. 题目问的是“当男孩从南边的窗子看出去时,他看到了什么?”,根据原文,男孩看到“魔鬼之门”的石头惨白而诡异地矗立在月光中,石门前站着一个人(对应原文:He next looked out of the opposite window, towards the stones of the Devil's Door, white and ghostly in the moonlight. And in front of them stood a man.)。故选A。

